sore shins

Belle_Fille Posts: 469
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
wth did i do to have my shins SO SORE?! I didnt do anything out of the ordinary! nothing new or that i hadnt done before! my shins are killing me!


  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Can you explain what you have been doing for exercise? Where it hurts? Does it hurt when your just sitting or when you walk or run?
  • Sounds maybe like shins splints. Whenever I try to start running (because, let's face it, its a habit I still haven't gotten into), if I'm not very careful, I end up with shin splints. From what I've read, the things that help the most are 1) good shoes, and 2) good stretching. For me, getting a pair of shoes that were specifically for running and therefore had more cushioning in the sole helped a great deal. If you didn't do anything out of the ordinary, maybe your shoes are getting worn out? I don't know, just a thought! Hope your shins feel better soon! :)
  • ESorokes015
    ESorokes015 Posts: 6 Member
    Shin splints are caused by overextending the heel, or they also happen if you work out a lot when you have been sedentary lately (like if you workout after not doing anything for a month). However, you seem like you have been being active. Perhaps you ran or walked on uneven surfaces that caused your shin muscles to contract weird.

    I know when my sneakers get old and don't have as much support, my shins always hurt because my heel gets over-extended.
  • Can you explain what you have been doing for exercise? Where it hurts? Does it hurt when your just sitting or when you walk or run?
    it hurts when i walk. or have my foot flat, with pressure on it. and it only hurts in my shin.

    yesterday i did 2 planks, i did wii fit( the bicycle, theres a chicken one where you "flap" to move the chicken to different goals, the circuit one, jack knives,) i'll have to log onto the wii to give exact names of everything. but nothing i did yesterday hurt my shins or anything at the time that i was doing it. it just hit me this morning/late last night.

    i ran the night before last, but my shins felt fine yesterday
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    shin splints can come on suddenly and can be very painful. I would suggest resting them for at least a day or 2 no running. I would use a roller on them and I would suggest the following exercise to stretch them out.

    Sit down, couch or desk ---> Point your toes out --> Write out the alphabet with your toes -->
    Do this three times a day
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