Groan! Why is this so HARD?

justlikeayoyo Posts: 5 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I just want to whine a little.

Two years ago, I dropped those 11 pounds that were between me and my ideal weight for my age. I was so happy! I was 45-years old at the time, and I'd not looked that good since my early thirties. I bought great looking new clothes, my husband had a professional photographer do a session for my 45th birrhday, and I was sure I'd keep it off FOREVER.

Then I put 10 of them back on. How? Well.... it had a lot to do with getting a couple of freelance jobs as a food and wine writer!

It's so hard to maintain that fine line with food between getting enough and going overboard. I just love all those wonderful desserts, crusty French bread, gouda cheese, juicy filets.... saying no is hard, especially when it's your job!

Now we are taking our whole family on a beach vacation in March. Yikes! Panic time!

I quit the food writing (it's a lot of work for not very much money), and the way I lost the weight the first time was using this web site. I'm going to give it the old college try once more and see if I can get back to my fighting weight.

I know it's wrong to complain when my health is good, and I'm only a few pounds overweight. But I do take blood pressure medication, so I have more than vanity at stake.

Today, I promised myself I was going to maintain my committment to eating healthy, counting calories and exercising 4-5 times a week for at least a month so those 10 little pounds between me and my skinny jeans come off.

This is Day 1. Let's see if I can do it!


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