All right I'm back...

Options the 'holiday' season was BAD for me.

Just before the break I was only updating sporadically, on Dec 22nd I was put under completely incredible pressure at work which induced a lot of stress, Christmas day I was told a close friend had died. Was a horrible shock and another complete knock sideways, and then after Christmas, about 3 weeks into the new year I lost my job.

During that period, being good? Out of the window, I haven't exercised much, haven't really watched what I've been eating, fell back into all my bad habits and while I'm not back to 'where I started' last may, I don't think I'm that far off. So today I re-started and tomorrow I'll be buying some new scales for my first 'weigh in' while also looking for a job... lol.

How's that for a fun end of/start of new year?

Hope you all had better luck than me.