Diet soda linked to vascular problems?

etron Posts: 33
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
A preliminary study was done... wondering what your thoughts are.


  • i think i'll stick to club soda next time i'm tempted by a coke zero
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    I've heard it isn't as good for you.
    I limit myself to one a week or maybe two. But no more.
  • I just glanced the article but I wouldn't doubt it. I don't drink that or regular soda. Too much crap in it.
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    I saw this on i dont drink much diet soda, but occasionally i like to, but in the article i read it said not to give it up yet until they do more studies... and i don't think its bad in moderation. but if that doesn't make people stop drinking it so much, it has already been proven that its terrible for your teeth. thats why i try to be careful how much i drink
  • Hell yeah. Soda is meant to be a treat, not a daily or even weekly addition to your diet.... If you need diet soda just to keep it in your diet, you should probably just replace it with water, or organic juice if you want something sweet that much. No offense intended to people. It's just a reality. Best that you learn it now and get upset than learning it later, when you have worse health problems over whatever they're putting in the diet soda or the crazy sugar you're consuming in regular soda. Screw the diet stuff. Treat yourself with a nice soda every once in a while. It's not going to kill you.
  • All soda is horrible for your body I just skip it. I drink it once every couple of months :)
  • Problems aside, I love my Diet Coke. Caner causing, whatever it is, I'll drink it and it doesn't make me fat, mwa ha ha!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Are you surprised? I would drink regular soda way before I wold touch the diet stuff.
  • etron
    etron Posts: 33
    I'm not surprised. I never drink diet soda... I just cut out the regular stuff and stick to water or a good juice. I know people who seem addicted to diet coke though, so that's why I figured I'd share this.
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    I actually went to a health seminar the other night where the lecturer actually said if you are going to drink soda (I do not at all)
    to drink regular soda as diet sodas are actually worse for you.

    If you google is diet soda worse than regular soda- you will be really surprised.
    If your going to drink it- do it as a treat and drink regular!

    Edited because I can not spell!
  • zanAspera
    zanAspera Posts: 29 Member
    I'm sorry, these so-called "studies" are crap. When they report that food or beverage X is linked to health problem Y, all it means is there is a link... It in no way implies that consuming X causes the health problem in question. Especially when it comes to self-reported diet soda drinkers.

    Think about it a little bit before freaking out on me here. People who drink diet soda, drink diet soda, because we are fat, out of shape and want to lose weight. You think that might be the problem there, rather than the artifical sweeteners? Drinking diet soda is the first easiest choice on the path to losing weight, that's all it. It's a start to get people making better choices, it's not in and of itself a good strategy to lose weight.

    Yes, all soda is bad for your teeth and oral health is a good indicator of overall health, as bad teeth and gums do make you more susceptible to pathogens. It's not the best thing to drink, but all these studies are just there to give people something to do with their government research grants. If they really wanted to do something they wouldn't rely on self reporting, would do through medical examinations of subjects and break it down to the biochemical level. This is not a medical study, this is a statistical study, they are just taking the statistics of what you report you are drinking and then compare it to your health records in X years. There is no science there, just number-bation. That's all.
  • etron
    etron Posts: 33
    I'm sorry, these so-called "studies" are crap. When they report that food or beverage X is linked to health problem Y, all it means is there is a link... It in no way implies that consuming X causes the health problem in question. Especially when it comes to self-reported diet soda drinkers.

    Think about it a little bit before freaking out on me here. People who drink diet soda, drink diet soda, because we are fat, out of shape and want to lose weight. You think that might be the problem there, rather than the artifical sweeteners? Drinking diet soda is the first easiest choice on the path to losing weight, that's all it. It's a start to get people making better choices, it's not in and of itself a good strategy to lose weight.

    Yes, all soda is bad for your teeth and oral health is a good indicator of overall health, as bad teeth and gums do make you more susceptible to pathogens. It's not the best thing to drink, but all these studies are just there to give people something to do with their government research grants. If they really wanted to do something they wouldn't rely on self reporting, would do through medical examinations of subjects and break it down to the biochemical level. This is not a medical study, this is a statistical study, they are just taking the statistics of what you report you are drinking and then compare it to your health records in X years. There is no science there, just number-bation. That's all.

    Don't be "sorry"... you have really good insight.
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