Im so lost

lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have read the exercise calorie thing - i am eating over 1200 calories a day but burning approx half of these off - now i am full im not starving myself but should i be eating more il be opening my diary to everyone x


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    you shoudl consider decreasing your carbs and definitely increasing your lean protein--you can meet calorie requirements real quick if you increase your protein---there is no worry or fear if your protein is over what MFP tells you, as long as it is lean!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    A protein bar/shake after or before your workouts maybe? There are many debates on here about "starvation mode" and eating back calories etc.

    Plus a lot of people will say if you are not hungry then don't eat.......I suppose you just have to try certain things, if your weight loss is slow that could be because of the low calorie intake. Like luv2ash said, upping your protein will prob be the best bet for now, if your not hungry then a protein shake would probably be an idea, they normally have around 200 cals in them and 20 to 30g of protein..depending on what brand etc.

    Good luck.

  • bespatter
    bespatter Posts: 73 Member
    Definitely. I usually eat about 1500-1600 a day and when I work out I sometimes eat a few additional calories (never equal to or more than I burnt off).

    Some days I have days where I'm really not that hungry, but on most days, even on days that I don't work out, if I don't eat at least 1500, I've got serious hunger pain. Once you've lost the weight, you can eat more to maintain. I've been my size for a year and a half now eating this amount. If I gain a pound or two (usually during the holidays), I just work out a little extra to get it off.

    If you undereat, it will slow your weight loss down.
  • where are the fruits and veggies?

    If you are burning 800+ calories I'd suggest you should be eating back about half of them - so your total should be something close to 1600. Adding in some fresh fruit would help with that. If you are only netting 400 calories a day your body will hold on to those and your metabolism will slow down, making it harder for you to lose in the long run.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I don't think you're eating enough - and there's a lot of processed carbs there, with not enough fresh fruit and veges.
    Even if you eat all your excercise calories you will still have a calorie deficit to allow you to lose weight - this is built into MFP's caluculations.

    How about adding a chopped up banana or apple or strawberries (or whatever fruit you can get in cold UK!) to your weetabix in the morning?
    And maybe some carrot or celery sticks with some hommus with lunch or for a snack.
    And some fresh or frozen broccoli or beans or cauliflower to dinner.
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