What are you giving up for Lent 2011? ( 9th March - 23rd Apr



  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I'm a Christian and we celebrate Lent. I'm giving up the scale. Not that I'm all that obsessed, but I'm willing to deny myself and walk by faith and not by sight.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I am Catholic. One year, I decided to give up ice cream for Lent. I love ice cream, and I can tell you that I suffered mightily!! After that, I decided that from then on, I'd just give up spinach because I can do that! :laugh:

    Actually, last year after giving it a lot of thought, I decided that it would that a better show of service would be to spend Lent with the promise of doing something positive rather then giving up something negative. They say that it takes 28 days of doing something for it to become a habit, so why not spend the 40 days doing something positive, creating a good habit? Last year, I committed to improving myself by following an exercise program for the 40 days and I'm still keeping that resolution! This year, I'm consciously trying to say something positive to my daughter and at least one other person each and every day - and I must say, so far it has been just as good for me as it has been for them!

    I know that the idea is to suffer in atonement before Easter, but truly, I always thought the idea just seemed off - so, consider turning it around and focus on doing something positive for 40 days instead. You may just gain something more!
  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    OK - made up my mind - I'm giving up weiging myself for Lent ...
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