Ok, so i started my new diet and exercise plan on monday. I suck at diet and exercise because i guess i lack the will power to continue with it. While i have been sticking with the smaller portions and everything diet wise, tonight i REALLY don't want to work out. i would much rather spend time with my daughter. I need motivation ppl. Motivation and a lot of support. Because there are many who keep telling me that this is a waste of my time cuz it won't do any good any way and that i'll always be a fat @ss. I'm going to work out tonight just because i told myself i was going to get healthy and i'm determined to do it. I could just really use some support and to be told that it is possible.


  • dnielsen1019
    It is possible! Its way hard sometimes but you can do it! Ive started watching what I eat and walking everyday and in 3 weeks I lost 11 lbs! Don't give up and dont get discouraged! Start out with a simple walk and push yourself a little further each day! YOu are worth it and you CAN do it!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    thats too bad you have negative people around you----hopefully some day they will see your success and you can change their negativity.

    every mom needs to take care of herself----and we deserve it----take the time out of your day to take care of yourself just as you would take care of your daughter! do it while she sleeps if you feel guilty! But nonetheless---do it!
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    definately possible!!!!!!! i look at some of the before and after pics that people post for motivation. my husband likes to tell me that counting cal's doesn't work but i've been doing this for a couple wks and i've lost 3 lbs and 1in in that time, so hang in there and good luck.
  • tiffsNEWlife
    Well first off you can do it. You can do anything you put your mind to! Anybody can! Don't let anybody tell you different. It's not about them its about you and how you want to feel. Not what they think you should be doing or what you are!

    Second, depending on how old your daughter is, have her do the exercises with you! I do this almost every morning. My daughter is four and she gets so excited to exercise with mommy. She jumps around and dances and just has fun. It reminds you that this can be fun!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    One night with you daughter instead of working out wont kill your success, just don't make a habbit of it. You can do this and don't ever let yourself believe otherwise. You are worth it, you are special, you are better than you believe you are. Stand strong and press on. I love to watch the biggest loser and get on my Gazelle while watching. It is great motivation. Take pictures of you Biggest loser style and post them infront of you when you work out. THis will give you an amazing drive. Then every ten pounds you lose take new pics. Do front, side and back veiws. You will be amazed at the results you wont see otherwise since it is hard to see how much is coming off when you look at yourself every day. I also suggest takin the measurements that it suggests on here. IT gives you real numbers and real results. This will bost your self esteeme and make you feel amazing.
    You are welcome to friend me as I have one of the most amazing support group of girls on here. We do everything we can to support each other. COme join us. :))
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I suck at diet and exercise because i guess i lack the will power to continue with it. . . . Because there are many who keep telling me that this is a waste of my time cuz it won't do any good any way and that i'll always be a fat @ss.

    Hey, I am really good at being a quitter too! I joined in with a group here that was doing the 30 day Shred and I stuck with it for 30 days (which is a new record for me). I also joined another thread to keep me accountable for the next 30 days. I suggest you find a group to help keep you accountable.

    Why would you have people in your life who disrespect you so? Are they tired of hearing you talk about weight loss while doing nothing about it? Some people might just be jealous and/or afraid of what might happen if you achieve your goals.

    Keep trying different things and you will find an exercise that gets your motor running. I can't wait for mornings so I can get out and walk-no matter the weather! For you it might be a totally different kind of exercise.

    You can do it if you really want to. Don't mention it to the haters, let them ask you about it when they notice the changes in you!