Question about polar and calories burned

skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I bought a polar FT4. I decided to wear it all day for a few days to see how many calories I burn just doing what I do. In about 12 hours I burn about 2200 calories. My fitness pal guestimates that I'm burning about 1750 in a day. Should I use this new information? Is it accurate to use the moniter that way? With a 500 cal deficit a day that would up my daily intake by about 500.


  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    Ooh that's a good question...interested to hear replies! I just bought my FT4 the other day as well!
  • fantm
    fantm Posts: 87 Member
    I would switch your activity level on your profile so it better matches the 2200 cal, assuming that's a pretty typical day for you. Sounds like you might have it set to less active than you actually are.
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Was this an average day for you? I'd be weary to change the settings, unless you don't think you were accurate when mfp asked you to pick your 'lifstyle' ie. sedentary, active etc. Maybe I would average it out in a week? Or if things are working fine for you i'd leave them how they are.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Polar HRMs are NOT meant to be worn all day long. They are NOT accurate this way. If you wanted something to wear all day long & be accurate, you'd need to look into a Bodybugg. Polar HRMs work for exercise, workouts etc, but not all day use.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I read posts on the polar site from several people who wear theirs all day long.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    This came from the polar web site.

    "You can monitor calories all day long by simply running your Polar HRM's training session (or several sequential sessions) all day long. You will need to wear the chest strap and keep it sufficiently moistened during the day. I bought my wife the FT7 and she uses it that way"
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    This came from the polar web site.

    "You can monitor calories all day long by simply running your Polar HRM's training session (or several sequential sessions) all day long. You will need to wear the chest strap and keep it sufficiently moistened during the day. I bought my wife the FT7 and she uses it that way"

    It sounds like that is a user comment, in which case it doesn't mean anything.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    This came from the polar web site.

    "You can monitor calories all day long by simply running your Polar HRM's training session (or several sequential sessions) all day long. You will need to wear the chest strap and keep it sufficiently moistened during the day. I bought my wife the FT7 and she uses it that way"

    It sounds like that is a user comment, in which case it doesn't mean anything.

    That is so ridiculously untrue. Often, user comments are some of the most informative viewpoints out there. You're a user of this site - does that mean your comments mean nothing? :wink:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    This came from the polar web site.

    "You can monitor calories all day long by simply running your Polar HRM's training session (or several sequential sessions) all day long. You will need to wear the chest strap and keep it sufficiently moistened during the day. I bought my wife the FT7 and she uses it that way"

    It sounds like that is a user comment, in which case it doesn't mean anything.

    That is so ridiculously untrue. Often, user comments are some of the most informative viewpoints out there. You're a user of this site - does that mean your comments mean nothing? :wink:

    The way the quote was originally posted implied that it was information FROM POLAR that was posted on their web site--"official" information, as it were. In fact, the statement is a user comment from a Polar forum which makes it no different than any other user comment anywhere--it has to be evaluated on its own merits, taking into consideration the education, knowledge, and experience of the poster, as well as any supporting evidence the original poster provides.

    So, in the context of providing "official support" from Polar for the idea that one can use an HRM to monitor daily calorie expenditure, the comment--since it did not come from Polar, and since the person posting that comment demonstrated no education, knowledge, or evidence--doesn't mean anything.

    Yes, user comments can be informative, especially if they present the appropriate facts or references. I didn't think it required an unreasonable amount of reflection to place my comment in its proper context, but perhaps that was an error on my part.

    And certainly, anyone is free to dispute, challenge, augment, ignore, etc, any one of my comments. Some are opinion (which, like belly buttons, everyone has one), and the "factual" ones are meant to stand on their own merits.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    The 1750 MFP says you are burning in a day are calories you would burn doing absolutely NOTHING. That is your essential calorie burn for breathing, heart pumping, walking to the bathroom and not really going anywhere.
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