I've fallen really behind:(

amandalynk Posts: 23 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I got caught up in all the new things happening in my life, 1.) I am a new auntie. 2.) Preparing to move on the 1st of march. I haven't been to the gym in weeks and I know i haven't eaten healthy at all. Any tips on getting back on schedule? I need to do this for myself.. I just need some encouragement and time management tips.


  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Just Do It.... (isn't that a nike thing?)

    If you want to get back onto the "wagon," then do it and don't worry about the past weeks and what not where you feel you didn't do well. Today is here and no one is stopping you. You just have to want to get back on to the "wagon" and push forward.

    Here are a few things I did that got me going:

    1. I got a cheapo pedometer to count how many steps I take. This way, if I don't go to the gym, I still see how much I have been moving and if its under my goal amount of steps (10,000 steps for me), then Ill walk around my apartment more or go for a walk or push myself to the gym.

    2. I made a meal plan. I drew out a calendar (i like to draw so it was fun...you can just print out a blank one from the interweb) and just planned out my three main meals for the week. This way, I knew exactly what kind of calories I was going to take in daily and if they met my goals. I switch up the meals once in awhile depending on my mood, but since its set and written down, I at least have an idea. This also helps me with food shopping as I will create my plan, make a list, and go buy only whats on the list...

    3. I do my best to give myself positive feedback and just smile more daily. Poetic as it sounds, you just have to be happy with yourself and trust me, if you are happy, it will not only translate into your daily moods, but your new niece or nephew will feel it too! I have two little nieces, one is one and the other is almost 4, and they can tell automatically how I am emotionally, without me saying a word.

    I hope this helps and good luck! Remember, JUST DO IT!! :)
  • For me, I always kept telling myself that I needed to start again. After two months went by, I finally got sick of saying that to myself. Sure, there was a ton of stuff going on at the time, but I didn't want to keep delaying something that had to happen two months ago.

    The point is that we all lead busy lives, but there absolutely has to be a starting point for getting back on track. The sooner you do it, the more progress you'll see in the long run.
  • One of the most helpful quotes I can ever remember seeing. I believe it's from Nike --

    "Someone who is busier than you is running right now."

    Anytime I feel overwhelmed with feelings of guilt or stress over falling behind, I remember that I really can fit HEALTH into my routine. Someone busier than me is also thinner, healthier, and happier.

    Good luck! Just JUMP IN! You'll find it's easier than you think after you get back on track.
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