Im Ready..........

KGOLDIE1 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Well here goes....... Im on a mission this year to lose the weight I put on after I got married (I am now on my own and looking for the new me!!)

I started with Weight Watchers in September and to date have only lost 12 Ibs and now the class has been cancelled so looking for something to motivate me since the leaders seems to have given up on us :(

So here I am, looking to lose 3 stone by July as I am going on holiday. I have a wedding in August and want to wear the outfit I wore to my brother wedding - so the 3 stone is a must!! Then another 3 stone by December so that I can buy that little black dress :)

I look forward to going on this journey with you all


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey! it can be done :smile: :smile:
  • nickychaplin
    nickychaplin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have only just started this too and didn't think I ate a lot - until this week when I have been tracking it and realising that actually, i eat a lot!! 6 stone in a year is a very big target! attainable, but very big... it depends on how much weight you need to lose overall and how much you canmotivate yourself to do it...
    i'm struggling to get myself going at the moment, i'm a mum of 2, 28 yrs old 5'5 and weigh 13 stone 2... so depressing! i was always 10 stone before the kids, but they are now 8 and 5 years old (so i have no excuse really).....
    how can i MAKE myself do this? my sleeping pattern is rubbish and i struggle to get out of bed in the morning, which really is one of the only time i get on my own to exercise (i have a wii fit / dance DVD's) i cant go to the gym as i would have no one to have the kids... but I too want to lose 3 stone. if i could lose 1 1/2 stone by about april i would be happy, and the other half by summer, it would absolutely great...

    do you have any tips on keeping yourself motivated, or on getting better sleep?
  • Welcome!!!! Its good that you have set goals as that will keep u motivated. i am going on holidays with friends in june and would like to lose at least 14lbs. Like you i piled the weight on when i was with my partner, we broke up in june and i have put even more weight on due to the break up. I have now realised only i can change my behaviour towards food, i now live on my own and cook for myself so theres no excuses. i find it hard to get motivated with exercise so i make cd's with all my fave songs play them very loud in my front room and work out 2 them and that works for me!!! good luck u can do it!! xx
  • Nicky and Joyojess Hi,
    Im quite focussed so have the opinion if I want something I will have it - of course that does relate to food as well. But like Joy I am living on my own so have no excuse to make the right things albeit I cant cook - so weight watchers meals/ baked potatoes and pasta dishes is what Im living on. Oh and homemade soup - love that!! As we speak Im munching on cucumber... not sure what Im food list will say when I put in I have just ate half a cucumber lol

    As for sleeping - I dont have any problems sleeping, head hits pillow and im out like a light. Maybe If I cant sleep its either too much on at work or Im worrying about something.

    So here goes - keep in touch and good luck
    Kirsty x
  • Fingers crossed Morganadk2
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