unsure what weight i should be??

Does anyone know a good site with accurate weight details?

I am unsure what weight i should be, i'm 5.6" and i'm 26 but every site tells me differently.

I want to know how light i can go because i am still unhappy with my thighs and belly.



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Personally, I would just start working out and watching your calories, and see where you end up. Because weight is really subjective. Depending on your frame size, your body type, your bone density, etc., "ideal weight" is just so hard to come up with. If you're close to a "normal" weight range, maybe just set a goal to lose 5 lbs. and start strength training to tighten up what you have. You might find you don't have to lose much at all, you just need to tone what's there.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Go to the top and select the tools button. Then select BMI. You can then enter your height and weight and it will bring up a scale of under weight-healthy-overweight-obese BMIs and it will tell you where you are. It also has the weight ranges listed for a healthy BMI at your height. BMI isn't the only thing that detrmines a good weight, however. You want to make sure your fat % is in the right zone and that takes further measurements (in which I am unfamiliar). But the BMI scale is a good start.
  • chuckanderson
    Hard to tell but just judging by your shoulder-frame size I'd say you need about 8-10 to be completely flat and about 15-18 to see abs.

    Just a guess though :)
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    The BMI tool here recommends your healthy weight to be 114.6 - 154.9 based on your height.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    From your picture..you look like you are the right weight! Your arms are slim, you can see your collar bones, and you are gorgeous. There will always be a part of us we aren't happy with, but lighter doesn't mean better. There are some intense sculpting videos out there to tighten up those places. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a great place to start. IF you have extra weight, it will take it off and in the process you will tighten up . I prefer her No More Trouble Zones video(slightly less intensity but much longer for endurance) it has a zillion ab routines, lunges and other leg work routines in it! Good luck !!!!
  • lolw811
    lolw811 Posts: 27 Member

    114.6 would be a dream!! i'll have to start working very very hard!!!

    my body is strange! my shoulders at the moment look tiny compared to the rest of my body, when i buy clothes the stomach is always too tight, but too big on shoulders, i have big hips, lots of fat on my hips and my thighs just dont even want to talk about them.

    It's so annoying because i lose weight off my shoulders first when i dont want to. i'm totally out of proportion.

    i am eating 1200 cals a day at the moment to try and get as slim and healthy as possible
  • lolw811
    lolw811 Posts: 27 Member
    thank you thats a lovely message! the bottom half of me is very different, i'm a pear shape and c\nt seem to shift the weight off my stomach at all!
  • chuckanderson
    I stand by my original guess :)