Peeking out from under my rock

twogoots Posts: 96 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I was introduced to this site by a friend on FB. I needed someplace to come track, blog and chat with others that understand what I am going through.

I am 41 and weigh in at 247 or so before Christmas. On January 3rd, I started my journey at 143 and to start eating better and exercising to lose LOTS of weight. I am not calling it a diet, it is a lifestyle change I MUST MAKE. I found out my glucose levels are wonky on 12 hour fasting 2 hour blood draws and we have not done the A1C yet. I am afraid I have fallen victim to Diabetes, but I don' t know for sure yet. I can't stand to do metformin as it tore me apart so my doctor and I are electing to go this with a 1500 calorie restriction a day on food instead of a fad diet of some sorts. Since Jan 3rd, I have managed to drop 11.5 lbs as of this morning. I am super stoked! I have about 98 lbs to go to meet the goal the doc and I both set for myself of 135 lbs.

Late night eating and portion control and soda were and are still my downfalls. I don't cook well, never learned and have always been discouraged when trying new dishes. My hubby does not eat chunk veggies at all. I might have to buy that book by Jerry Seinfeld's wife for hiding veggies in food. LOL Anyone try that book? He is on his weight loss journey and has lost 70 lbs with the aid of a doc's intervention too. You would think between the two of us we could cook, but he is busy working full time and doing his band practice and gigs evenings and weekends so it makes it hard for us to have sit down dinners each week.

I am dealing with a condition called PCOS. For those having gone through infertility / trying to have a baby , they know that this can be very very hard for one to lose weight with. It is a body's resistance to insulin and imbalance that is hard to control to be able to lose weight. I suffered from multiple miscarriages and honestly the depression and sadness of never having a baby myself has taken a toll on me and thus I put on about 90 lbs in the near 20 years we have been married. We successfully adopted our daughter (I was in the delivery room with her birthfamily) and are so blessed to have become parents to a beautiful girl who is now 3 going on 14! hehe I still deal daily with the losses we had, but I have learned to stop eating to cover up my sadness. I want to be healthy for our daughter and enjoy her taking her out and doing lots of activities with her.

Thanks to myfitnesspal for helping me track my everyday PROGRESS forward to a healthier ME!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have been there---I too had PCOS--and was on borderline diabetic---now I am in good health, even off my BP meds. message me if you want more info or check the website below. Would love to help you,too.

    Good luck!
  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108
    Welcome :)

    Jessica Seinfeld's book, "Deceptively Delicious" looks really good and quite easy. I work at a book store and looked at it during a shift and most of the recipes seem quite easy. I didn't buy it because I don't have a food processor and can't be bothered with pureeing veggies constantly, lol. But from what I can remember, there's lots of nutritional information in there. It's quite popular!

    I also sometimes struggle with late-night munchies, but I find that making a cup of tea often satisfies that urge. I know now that much of my evening cravings are actually boredom/habit, and if I make tea it at least gives me something to do with my hands. And if it's a non-caffeinated tea, you can count it towards your water intake! :)

    Scrolling through the message boards will be the best education on this website, and everyone is super helpful. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :) Enjoy MFP!
  • Hay there, I am new here too, started in January and we're in a similar situation. I was just diagnosed with diabetes in December and I'm on the metformin. It was hard the first two weeks but then my body got used to half a pill twice a day. I can take a whole one at dinner now and my sugar numbers are totally normal. I can't wait for my next A1C so I can show them I'm on my way to getting off the metformin.

    I have found there are lots of us in the same boat here and the support is really helpful. My husband doesn't really need to loose weight and not a big fan of trying new things either. He's supportive though and helpful with motivating me to exercise more. I never thought I would say that I actually enjoy exercise but I do now and it's only been since 12/30/10 that I've done it on a regular basis.

    You'll do awesome, you have a great attitude!
  • Hay there, I am new here too, started in January and we're in a similar situation. I was just diagnosed with diabetes in December and I'm on the metformin. It was hard the first two weeks but then my body got used to half a pill twice a day. I can take a whole one at dinner now and my sugar numbers are totally normal. I can't wait for my next A1C so I can show them I'm on my way to getting off the metformin.

    I have found there are lots of us in the same boat here and the support is really helpful. My husband doesn't really need to loose weight and not a big fan of trying new things either. He's supportive though and helpful with motivating me to exercise more. I never thought I would say that I actually enjoy exercise but I do now and it's only been since 12/30/10 that I've done it on a regular basis.

    You'll do awesome, you have a great attitude!
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