Question ..



  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    I was the same way, the only person who knew my weight was the me, the doctor, and my best friend! But one day I felt like I wanted to tell him so that he would know I am taking this weight loss seriously. We were sitting in subway and he was talking about how much he weighed at the doctors office and I said you will never guess how much I weigh. He guessed and was about 50 lbs off(less) and I thought about it for a minute and told him how much I actually weighed. He said, there's no way. I said yes way! So anyways no secrets now, he knows. Now I have nothing to hide!
  • bahrainbel
    i know how you feel. i have a hard time telling him what i weigh b/c one-he weighs less then i do and i have a problem with that & two-i am embrassed by how big i have gotten since we have been together. i have told him what i weigh since i started this program, but i couldn't before then. he didn't believe me at first and now every time i loose he is excited for me as well. telling him helped him understand why this is so important for me and it has helped him be more supportive when it comes to buying healthier things and what i need to stay on track.

    That's really sweet :-) Do men like that actually exist?!!
  • PirateJenny
    I have not told my partner. He is loving and supportive and thinks I am beautiful...but the number is still terrifying to me. He has not asked, so I have not had to be deliberately evasive, but he does know I am committed to losing weight. I should probably tell him so he knows how serious it is that I stay on track.

    Part of my problem is also that I look smaller than my weight. I am over 5' 7" and under all this flub I have a medium frame (broad shoulders, wide hips, large hands and feet) and some heavy duty muscles. At my thinnest as an adult I was 125 and I looked like I was starving, people asked if I was ill.

    The last time I told him how much I weighed he was visibly shaken and I don't know if I can handle that look again. Being the sweet man he is, he recovered quickly and told me that he just wants me to be healthy and happy, no matter how much I weigh, but still. The fact that he is slender and has never struggled with his weight only makes it more difficult.

    This is a really great question and something to think about.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Yes. My husband is aware of exactly how much I weigh because I've told him. I've also outlined pretty much everything concerning how I feel about it, what I need and what I'm going to do about it.
    Additionally I warned him that I will be cremating him at long distance cycling which is his thing..before long.
  • PirateJenny
    Yes. My husband is aware of exactly how much I weigh because I've told him. I've also outlined pretty much everything concerning how I feel about it, what I need and what I'm going to do about it.
    Additionally I warned him that I will be cremating him at long distance cycling which is his thing..before long.

    Hah! I told my partner the same thing about our mountain hiking. At 6'2" he has a much longer stride but I am getting up there in leg strength and I have crazy endurance. He said he is looking forward to eating my dust.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    My husband knows how much I weigh.

    This man has been around during times when I was so ill or so injured I couldn't use the restroom on my own, and has helped me through it. Compared to that, my weight is nothing.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    Yes, she knows. We are doing this together and she loves me no matter what I weigh but we like to be active, so I want to be in shape! She is pretty thin and also really tall...and I am the opposite, ha, so it kind of freaked me out to tell her.