Ready to start a better example

Hello my name is Heather and I am new to the forum. I have decided that I need to set a better example for my children. I am a mother of two beautiful little girls and have a teenage step daughter. I want them to grow up and feel "comfortable" in their skin. I have for a long time but lately I have caught myself saying "I'm too fat', "I hate how I look", or more discouraging things about myself. Unfortunately they have heard me talk about how I have gain a little bit over 100lbs since I had them. I don't want them to feel like my weight is caused by them. So I decided to take a positive approach. I started MFP about a week ago and have lost about 10lbs. It is a struggle when you really don't have much support. My goals aren't too bad. I would like to get back to the weight I was when I met my husband (275lbs). Then see how close that is to my goal size of 16.


  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Welcome! Wonderful on your 10 pound loss! I've found that changing little things helps a lot! Good luck on your journey!