What are your plateau-busting tricks?



  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    What was your starting weight? I'm asking because I think we are in the same boat. I am about the same weight :ohwell: as you now, 137.8 pounds 5'3" and a goal weight of 127. My start weight January 10th was 142.2 Slow but sure.

    I am so sick of the food I've been eating during the day. Suppers are fine, I have some imagination there but breakfasts, snacks and lunches are getting so boring. I work from 7:30am to 4:00 PM so the majority of my eating is done at work. Can you give me some ideas so I don't start in on the chips & dip? lol

    I started at 208 in August, and am right at 170 now, so you are way below me in weight. My goal is 142, so I will never be in the 130's (I am 5' 8".) I do try to eat clean most of the time, though I don't think of sugar as the enemy, just not a constant companion ; } I eat eggs (mostly whites) or a protein shake for breakfasts, though I have started natural peanut butter with some Stevia on a whole grain bread (just can't get into the PB with no sweetening) For lunch I typically eat leftovers from dinners in a mix-and-match format: yesterday's vegetarian chili with Tuesday's spaghetti squash is what I had today. I do get stumped what to cook sometimes, but there are interesting recipes on here, and I look up ingredients on allrecipes.com and then either use one of theirs or modify it to fit my diet and what I have on hand. I roast alot of vegetables, and saute them with different meats, so most of my dishes are heavy on veggies, medium on meat, and low or no grains. I can always eat a piece of bread if I feel I need grains, so I don't fuss much with them. I do make a significant amount of quinoa since I discovered it last summer. It is as versatile as white rice with way more nutrients, and I can buy it in loose bulk from Whole Foods, since the boxed price of it is crazy-high.
    I baked up my own batch of almonds in honey and cinnamon yesterday, since the package price on that is also high, while I can occasionally find a pound of raw almond for under $5. That way I also know I am getting local honey and alot of cinnamon.
    I don't know if my ideas helped you any. I keep trying new vegetables to diversify our menu. We eat gobs of broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, and asparagus, but now we also have more spinach, and added parsnips, turnips, rutabaga, and trying some more greens.
    I really don't think my diet is stalling me. It is the best I've ever eaten, and I only occasionally feel deprived. I use lots of spices and herbs, and will have my own herb garden up and running soon (just got my seeds the other day.) I was more active before Christmas because I was working full-time, but I dropped to part-time after the first, and am on an as-needed basis now, and they don't need me often. I do hope to start going to the Y for more classes, but motivating myself to get there is not always easy, plus when I don't go at 6 AM, other "stuff" happens to keep me from going.
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