Finding it Really Difficult to Get up and Exercise



  • JeanMargaret
    Discipline. Discipline. Discipline!

    It's not easy - all the time. It's not fun - all the time; BUT it's soooooooooooo worth it. *smiles*

    I'd be more than happy to work something out to check in with peeps IN the AM to get them going. Let me know if anyone's interested!

    *I've got unlimited text messaging. I'd be more than happy to blow up some phones in the AM with a text wake-up call*
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Things that help me:

    - get to bed on time, so you get enough sleep
    - put the alarm clock WAY out of reach so I have to physically get out of bed to be able to turn it off
    - sometimes I sleep in my training kit, so all I need to do is put on my running shoes and head out of the door...

    Just do it.
    You'll get used to it.
    It'll get easier.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I' having this same problem now.....I swtched to working out in the am after I started working went great at first evey morrng at 5:00am I was up but over the past few weeks I just cant seem to get it together...the alarm goes off at 5:00am I wake up my boo and back to bed, then I wake up my son at 5:30 and then back to bed......I just cant get moving until its time to rush in the shower and get ready for work... My excercise has really fallen off becuase of this...cause at night I am totally out of it....