
Jess0218 Posts: 138
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Can living a low carb diet work and has anyone used this approach for weight loss and have you had success?


  • squitzwife
    squitzwife Posts: 51 Member
    I did Atkins and it worked great and I felt great! just one problem-I couldn't keep to it! I love my carbs. So give it a try and if you love it-do it.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Personally I am not a fan of any healthy eating plan that expects you to ban a whole food group!!!

    Plus I am another one who loves my carbs
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I've found for me, it works great for a quick weight loss boost, so when I have a special occassion coming up, I'll cut my carbs way down for a couple of weeks, but for sustained loss, I just can't adhere to it.
  • Do me a favor and review this post and the many, many, many positive replies and re-think Atkins or any other 'diet'...
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I did Atkins and it worked great and I felt great! just one problem-I couldn't keep to it! I love my carbs. So give it a try and if you love it-do it.

    Same story here, your better off just losing weight the right way, the healthy way and not haveing to worry about later on gaining the weight back. I've lost just fine with this aproach and I've kept it off easily... still losing too!
  • have not done the atkins but did the low gi diet which is atkins plus lots of veg. i was bored to tears it dint work for me but my husband lost loads
  • Heybaby25
    Heybaby25 Posts: 16 Member
    I did it for a year and in that time lost two stone and ended up in a healthy weight bracket for something ridiculous like the second time in my life since I became an 'adult'. Whilst I loved the results and didnt have any of the horrible side effects that people warn you about, there was no way that I could stick to it for any longer as I love my carbs too, especially bread!

    Every once in a while I do decrease my carb intake and I have to say that I really notice the difference and I feel a lot better for it. I also try and have at least one meal a day (usually my evening one if possible) that is carb free as it does really stop the bloating!

    Not sure if this is much use but I hope it maybe helps a little bit!!! :)
  • Research suggests that low-carb diets do work, but as others have mentioned it's difficult to maintain. Another point against low-carb diets is that they can lead to bad breath.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I have never tried it, but to me it is another diet. If you plan on following that for the rest of your life, then there is your lifestyle change. A diet is temporary. I have to be realistic with myself: a healthy lifestyle like what I have found with MFP is forever. I much prefer living a healthy lifestyle with a wide assortment of foods that are balanced as much as I can, and exercise to stay strong. Best wishes!! :smile:
  • It works but it's impossible for me to stay on since Carbs are my absolute favorite foods! For me it's a good temporary solution but for a lifetime I'm not giving up my italian, mexican or chinese foods or desserts. (not often of course but sometimes yes)
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I have tried it and it works if you can stick to it and follow the phases. I am doing low carb right now, but not necessarily Atkins. No breads or rice, stuff like that, but I am eating my veggies. I am seeing results doing it this way. I also take one day a week (sometimes two) to eat a couple more carbs than I usually would and this helps reset my metabolism.
  • If you can't continue something forever, then it did NOT work. A short-term weight loss in an unhealthy manner is NOT success. I could easily discontinue eating for a several days, and work out like crazy...and it would lead to weight loss - most of it hard-earned muscle. Would you consider that a success when my body shuts down my metabolism, and anything I eat is converted into stored fat? No. And again, this is why diets do not work.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Thanks for all the feedback. I def love my carbs and have made a lifestyle change by eating healthier but sometimes the carbs get the best of me so I believe as well in makin smart choices cuz diets just suck. Just wondered about this atkins's def not something I could do long term but I think I could take some tips from it (i.e., cuttin back refined sugars/carbs)
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I am not one to tell you what works but have heard mixed stories about Atkins. What I gathered was people liked it because it did infact help them loose weight. We all like those plans that weight loss is seen. But with the large amount of fat, some people had issues with cholestrol, stomach cramps, and headaches. I was going to try this diet but not a fan of high fatty foods like Atkins calls for, plus your brain needs "good" carbs to function on.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I have never tried it, but to me it is another diet. If you plan on following that for the rest of your life, then there is your lifestyle change. A diet is temporary. I have to be realistic with myself: a healthy lifestyle like what I have found with MFP is forever. I much prefer living a healthy lifestyle with a wide assortment of foods that are balanced as much as I can, and exercise to stay strong. Best wishes!! :smile:

    Agree! That is why its called a "diet roller coaster" I couldnt do shakes the rest of my life or follow certain plans. Of course I would loose the weight because it was a dratic change to my body. But once I tried to ease back into "healthy" eating, the weight came back on and more. The faster we loose weight, the sooner we gain it back and it can be harder to maintain. No one wants to admit that their sixe 5 pants are tighter than the week before, it must be the dryer!. MFP has helped me as well to loose weight and great support!
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