Need Help


I have been using this site for a few weeks now so i dont expect any results so far. But, i have been trying so hard to not eat junk food and cut down on my portions. I just cant do it. Any advice?


  • fontaine3b
    Don't give up!!! It takes time!! I have only been here about a week, but have lost 1 lb!!! small steps get you to big goals!!! keep it up!
  • itisme55
    The first bit of advise I would give you is don't give up on yourself.... I dont know what kind of junk food you are refering too... but if it is like fast food resturants then find the less calorie less fat options on the menu..... I had a hard time with this as well..... I started by making small changes such as getting fruit instead of french fries..... Or unsweetened Iced tea instead of Dr. Pepper..... these little changes make a big difference in your calorie count... but dont leave you feeling so deprived.. once those changes are made it is easier to make others.... I am not the type that can just cut all the "good" stuff out of my diet..... so I had to start slow and change a few things at a time..... you get a slower start this way but I seem to be able to keep with the changes where I never have been able to when I tried to change everything at once. This has worked beautifully for me.... I hope this helps you as well
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    It takes time, the first like 2 weeks i started i felt like i was walking away from every meal still hungry i never felt full eating those portion sizes. Once you get in a groove and let your body adjust to the diet change it will get easier. Also i dont know if you ever heard about the apple cider vinigar thing. If you go to it suggest for weightloss u drink an 8oz glass of water and mix in 2tsp of APC and a tsp or 2 of honey, obviously it doesnt taste the best but you chug that down before a meal and i really cant explain why but it does make you feel fuller before you even start eating, it also has something to do with helping the fat not stick to you. check it out i know it helps me out. good luck.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    I agree, slow and steady wins the race. You can't change your entire life over night. Make the changes you can, such as stopping drinking soda pop or not ordering dessert or drinking more water.

    Log all your food no matter what. Don't beat yourself up over days you are over your calories. This is a learning process, and the more practice you get the better you will do.

    Don't give up. No one is perfect, so just keep going after a meal where you've made bad choices.. Start again right away! This is about a pattern of behavior, not being perfect.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I would have to agree with the others that it takes time. I have been at this since Aug, and I still have my moments. Don't give up!!! Do you exercise along with your diet? It really does help; it gets your endophines moving. Keep it up and don't give up!!! The first few weeks are always the hardest.
  • schorkj
    schorkj Posts: 11 Member
    Eat whatever you want; workout as much as you like. The KEY to losing the weight is not to exceed your calorie goal for each day. Very important to be honest with yourself about what is going into your mouth (debits) and how hard you are exercising (credits). If you are under on your calories everyday and still not losing weight, you are either lying to yourself about portions and exercise or you are building muscle which is heavier then the fat you are losing.
  • dawnslaughter
    firstly set your weight you want to lose a week at half a pound. dont run before you can walk! if you get too hungry you will set yourself up to fail.

    change your diary titles i eat all day!

    i chose what i want for my evening meal in the morning work out what the calories are and that then gives me what i have for the rest of the day.

    if you are doing any excercise even house work add this to your diary it buys you back food to eat. what better incentive to get up and dance for half an hour if you can have a naughty treat like a chocolate bar or a bigger portion at dinner.

    dont let yourself get hungry!

    i have my diary titles set at 9-10, 11-12, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-9

    find a snack that works for you thats not to high in calories. mine is multigrain hoops, 175 cals for 30g plus milk, because its a light cereal it fills a bowl and looks like more than it is.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    @dawnslaughter, how do you change the diary titles? that is a great idea.

    @collin_23 - I had a hard time with the all or nothing approach. So I tried to start small. I was getting candy from the vending machines alot, so the first week, I set my goal to avoid them. I also try to keep my net calories a few hundred calories below my redline each day and then one day a week, I allow myself to go over. I have found when I do that, I don't go as crazy as I did when everything was off limits. Just noting what you are eating will slowing help you change your patterns. Good Luck!!
  • coffeekat02
    coffeekat02 Posts: 17 Member
    I just signed up yesterday on here. However, have been trying to lose weight for a month now. I have lost a total of 7lbs. I am honestly a recovering food addict, junk food, healthy food, fast food, you name it I ate it. I ate large portions I ate because I was happy, I ate because I was sad, I ate for whatever occasion I could make it. I have been on this journey up and down for some many years now, I can usally only go for about 2 weeks and then I am over it. This time it is different.

    I would suggest to you since food seems to be your weekness, you start with the exercising portion first. Maybe you walk 15-20 minutes a day. Once you get that down for a week or two then try makign small changes to your eating habits ( I do not like the word diet,a s in my mind I think of that as temporary) ( I can almost justify or talk myself into anything that will allow me to eat what I want and not exercise) For me I started exercising for 2 weeks and then I began altering my diet, for me I never ate breakfast, so I added breakfast. I am a busy mom of 3 and work so not much time in the morning. I had a container of EAS vanilla protein powder for a year now, and I hate it. I decided to buy a big bag of frozen strawberries from Costco and fresh banana, Set my blender on the counter at ngiht so when I wake up viola, pour everything ina nd I am good to go. This helped keep me full longer so I did not binge eat later int he day. Maybe for you, you already eat breakfast, so maybe start eating dinner no later than 6 pm at night. Small changes. As you progress you can make bigger steps to altering your life. Think of it this way, the weight didn't come on over ngiht, we shouldn't expect to lose it overnight either.

    You can do this, never give up! You are headed in the right direction, start making YOU count.