Tracking everything not just calories

So ive been tracking my calories throughout the days and ive been doing well staying right around 1200 calories, but ive noticed that I go over on my sodium sometimes (well alot of the time). Could that be what is preventing me from losing any weight? What kind of foods are high in sodium and what foods are low?


  • barbacasec
    You def need to watch the sodium usually anything packaged has tons of sodium in it - try to eat more fresh items....... looks like you are drinking lots of water which great...
    I did notice however that on days that you logged your exercise you didnt eat back any of those calories- I know people are very nervous about eating those back but the 1200 that MFP calculates is already set at a deficit - so basically if you ate 1200 cal a day with out any extra exercise then you should still lose weight- so when you workout you need to refuel your body- and try to keep your NET calories at 1200- I dont usually eat all my exercise calories but I try to at least eat 1/2 back.... unless I feel really hungry then I eat them all back....
    I started my plan back in Dec- at 212lbs (didnt find this site until later) I am already down to 196 so this seems to work for me. aprx 2 lbs a week...You have to play with it a bit - keep your body guessing- and figure out what works for you.
    non work out days- 1200
    work out days- 1500-1600
    Hope this helps...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Yes, you need to eat more.

    As the previous post says, ANY PROCESSED food has a lot of sodium. That means most things that come in a box, a can, or frozen - including frozen veggies and meats. Read the label before you buy. Better yet, if it has a label with a list of ingredients on it, don't buy it.

  • khanamura
    khanamura Posts: 7 Member
    Sodium is not typically bad for you. If you are active constantly, you need that sodium, and it's OKAY to "maybe" go over it a little bit, if you are ACTIVE. Sodium helps retain the water in your body, so if you are active, you won't become dehydrated. But if you are not active, then yeah, suggest cutting back on the sodium. Just check the "NUTRITION LABEL" before you eat/drink ANYTHING.
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    You def need to watch the sodium usually anything packaged has tons of sodium in it - try to eat more fresh items....... looks like you are drinking lots of water which great...
    I did notice however that on days that you logged your exercise you didnt eat back any of those calories- I know people are very nervous about eating those back but the 1200 that MFP calculates is already set at a deficit - so basically if you ate 1200 cal a day with out any extra exercise then you should still lose weight- so when you workout you need to refuel your body- and try to keep your NET calories at 1200- I dont usually eat all my exercise calories but I try to at least eat 1/2 back.... unless I feel really hungry then I eat them all back....
    I started my plan back in Dec- at 212lbs (didnt find this site until later) I am already down to 196 so this seems to work for me. aprx 2 lbs a week...You have to play with it a bit - keep your body guessing- and figure out what works for you.
    non work out days- 1200
    work out days- 1500-1600
    Hope this helps...

    Thanks thats really helpful. Sometimes I do try to eat back at least half of my calories, so in a sense, what you are saying and what everyone else has been telling me, is that if i eat 1200 a day, but did no exercise, i would lose weight. Since I am doing exercise, i still need to bring back my total to 1200 again, after i have burned off some? Its really hard keeping track of what to eat when and how much. But basically,

    for example: Goal calories= 1200 per day
    I eat my 1200 during the day
    I work out and burn 300 calories
    Which puts me at technically only 900 calories taken in
    So I need to eat those 300 calories or at least 150

    Is that correct?? is that why i havent been losing any weight? because once I get to 1200, even if i burn off half of that, i dont eat anymore, so essentially, if i only eat those 1200 and burn off half, i am technically starving myself??
    I always was taught that there was a simple scientific equation to losing weight. To eat right and to exercise and burn off more than you take in? When did it get all complicated where you have to eat your exercise calories? How are you supposed to lose weight if you eat those calories back? I know there are forum posts on here and ive read through them but they still dont make sense to me. As for the sodium, i will cut back and try to keep under my goal everyday i think that might be causing water weight
  • barbacasec
    yes you def need to at least eat the 150 back .... give or take you might need to eat them all back...
    for me as long as I have 1/2 back I still lose- I notice that if I go to many days in a row without eating them back my weight stalls....
    I base it on how hungry I am.. if I eat 1/2 back and I am starving before bed I have a small snack.....

    and yes some sodium is good for you and your body needs it - but try not to go over to often....

  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I do not know, but you can check out my food diary if you like. I rarely go over. I think this comes from my mother, the health nut.