
Hi, my name is Katie & I just joined this week. I seem to get into good routines with exercise & diet during the week, but the weekends have become my biggest weekness! My goal is to religiously add my food to my food diary, even on the weekends.


  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    First of all, welcome!!!

    Weekends are hard, but it's not bad if you allow yourself one day a week to eat as you please. Make Saturday your day to "let loose".... but not TOO loose! Don't go on a binge eating spree every Saturday and completely ruin all your hard work and dedication during the week!

    I have the same trouble with the weekends, but I am getting better. So I know you can too. It's just a matter of self-control, which when it comes to food, most people are lacking (myself included!)

    Good luck!!!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Weekends are hard for me too..but hang in there. You can do it!!! This is a great site for motivation and asking questions...Good luck in your program! And feel free to add me as a we can motivate each other!