Yet Another Reason to Ditch Diet Soda



    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    Studies like this drive me nuts....

    There might be a "correlation" between the two but it doesn't sound like there is enough evidence to fully support "causation."
  • inpaperclouds
    Still drinking diet soda.
  • RMX983
    RMX983 Posts: 34
    I'm enjoying one right now, haha.
  • dawnslaughter
    there is a study that days women should not drink more than a couple of glasses a week of any soda because it de-solves the calcium in the bones
  • Cudders
    "The body of scientific evidence does show that diet soft drinks can be a useful weight management tool, a position supported by the American Dietetic Association. Thus, to suggest that they are harmful with no credible evidence does a disservice to those trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight."

    I love the American Dietetic Association. At least they don't jump to conclusions without solid evidence.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Studies like this drive me nuts....

    There might be a "correlation" between the two but it doesn't sound like there is enough evidence to fully support "causation."

    Thank you!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I don't believe in using artificial sweeteners anyhow so if I do drink soda, its regular anyhow.
  • kilojoule
    need something to mix with my spirits! mmmm whiskey and (diet) coke
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I just try to limit, I dont think that 2 diet drinks a week is going to kill me..
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I don't see the point of diet soda. The product they put in it to allow it to be diet makes people crave sugar which will be bad for your diet anyway. Ditch the soda. Drink sparking flavored water.
  • LaurenRose2011
    I am so sick of "studies" like this. Talk to me when there is something definitive and scientific on which to base this claim. I have personally studied diet drinks and found there to be no issue with them other than the potential for harm in people with phenylketonuria because of the phenylalanine, and that warning is on every can of diet soda there is. lol

    There's no problem with aspartame either. Unless you drink 24 cans per day for a whole year. Then enough aspartic acid could build up in your body to cause some problems.

    But diet and stroke? Come on! I especially loved the "It's reasonable to have doubts, because we don't have a clear mechanism. This needs to be viewed as a preliminary study," and "It's too preliminary to suggest any dietary advice,". Basically it's like they shrugged their shoulders, got a constipated look on their faces, and said, "I dunno! Just don't listen to me right now."
  • sixpackgoal
    Pop free for 40 days now. Do not miss one bit.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I don't see the point of diet soda. The product they put in it to allow it to be diet makes people crave sugar which will be bad for your diet anyway. Ditch the soda. Drink sparking flavored water.

    Sorry, it's absolute statements like this that also drive me bonkers. The artificial sweeteners they put in it that allow it to be diet makes SOME (sorry it's in caps, if I knew how to italicize, i would) crave sugar. It doesn't make me crave sugar, just like me drinking things with caffeine doesn't cause me to go into withdrawal when I don't have one for a day.

    I understand that there have been studies about the craving sugar part, but just because it worked that way in ONE STUDY doesn't mean that's the final answer.

    ETA: While I'm at it, I also get that the sweeteners can cause migraines, gas, etc. Again, so does milk for some people. Does that mean I should swear off milk? Some people get migraines when they eat nuts. Should I stop eating those? Everyone has different reactions to different need to do what's best for you, your body, your beliefs, and your diet (what you eat, not a "diet") plan.

    (I just got finished with an educational research/stats class and we learned all about research studies, the statistics that go with them, sample groups, etc. and it's made me much, much more wary of believing every study that comes down the pike...)
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    These so-called studies always make me laugh. One day it's bad for us, the next day it's the most healthy thing to cram in our mouths. For example...

    1. Eggs - apparently the yellow yolk is healthy for us now but a couple years ago you would have thought there was arsenic or tiny pieces of glass in each egg.
    2. Potatoes - the evil starch that 'they' claimed was killing us years ago is actually healthy granted you don't soak it in oil and deep-fry it to death.

    I refuse to stop drinking diet pop...but only b/c it's the only thing I like mixed with me Capt. Morgan. Arrrrrrr
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164

    The authors suggest that a sweet taste may cause animals to anticipate the calorie content of food, and eating artificial sweeteners with little or no calories undermines this connection, leading to energy imbalance by increasing food intake or reducing energy expenditure.

    The study is the work of Drs Susan Swithers and Terry Davidson, two psychologists based at the Ingestive Behavior Research Center at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, published in the February 2008 issue of Behavioral Neuroscience, a journal of the American Psychological Association (APA).