Exercise to lift my butt?

ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
This is embarrasing, but now that I have lost some weight my butt is getting really flat! I need some good exercises that will help work my glutes. Is there a way to get a better shaped backside working out at home?


  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
  • GabrielMaestas
    GabrielMaestas Posts: 88 Member
    Walking lunges, something you can do down the hallway at home. Werx really well :o)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'd like to know this too. The only time I ever have a butt is when I'm overweight.
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm finding lots of squats and lunges are working my bum and getting it in shape! Someone even commented today that it looked pert :wink:
  • Squats and don't forget to squeeze!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Squats, lunges, and the glutes workout on the elliptical at high resistance!! :)
  • pdarg
    pdarg Posts: 2
    Great solution "At Home" = double stair climb ..... Go up the stairs 2 at a time at a steady pace... works excellent if you are in an apartment building.... start on floor 1 and see how far you can get !
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I just posted this video on my like page. It is Brett Hoebel from the biggest loser showing faith ford how to work out the bum. :)

  • Brazil Butt Lift from Beachbody
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones... I just did this DVD today and my butt is so sore. She concentrates on other areas than the butt, but (haha) it is a good workout overall. It's definitely hard but once you finish you feel awesome.
  • Squats and lunges for your strength routine, the elliptical is great for your cardio routine, or there are tons of DVD's and classes that are specifically designed for your buns. Remember good ol' BUNS OF STEEL, think that but modernized.
  • ok this is what we do in tone class, lay flat onyour back on the floor then bend your knees to where you feet come towards your booty. Then lift the booty up and squeeze - you can also do this having your feet up on a ball, a little harder to do.
    try sqeezing and releasing for a whole song...it is painful and effective
  • This floor exercise works wonders:
    Get on your hands and knees, lift one foot up as close to your bum as you can and push your heel up towards the ceiling. Bring it down and push 10x and switch to the other side.
    I hope this made sense! But trust me, it works!
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    I've read that running on the treadmill too much can kind of flatten it out, I forget why though.

    Anyway, *and not to toot my own horn* but I have a spectacular butt, I do lunges and squats. When you're doing squats sit back like you are going to sit in a chair and come back up. I use 2 3 lb weights and hold them out in front of me to balance myself out. I also use the stair climber. And you could get on your hands and knees and lift your foot up towards the ceiling and in the same position you could lift your leg out like you are peeing on a fire hydrant lol
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    In a class I took with a chiropractor/personal trainer, he recommended the following for strengthening the gluts:

    From your hands and knees, lift one leg back and out so it's straight and level with your back to work the glut and hamstrings. To isolate the gluts further, do the same thing but keep your knee bent at a 90-degree angle when you lift it.

    From a stability ball, roll down from a seated position so the ball is under your shoulder blades and your feet are shoulder-width apart. Lift your bottom so your thighs through your torso are all in a straight line. This one doesn't seem tough, but if you hold it for a while, you can really feel it! And it's easy to do while watching TV. :)
  • als0317
    als0317 Posts: 26 Member
    If you like videos and want to try something new, Core Fusion is pretty great. There is an entire video dedicated to thighs and glutes http://www.amazon.com/Exhale-Core-Fusion-Thighs-Glutes/dp/B0021R52IA
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    As everyone else has said squats and lunges...they have worked miracles for my flat #ss!!!! On top of doing the basics also do variations such as curtsy squats, wide legged squats with turn toes in/out, etc. they all work different muscles in the gluteous and thighs. Add weight if you can!! Also do dead lifts they work wonders as well.
  • One of my least fave things my trainer did was using a box and she constantly told me this was for booty . She had me sit on the box (chair or weight bench would work too) and then lift one foot of the floor- then I had to pull myself up to standing position (no help from arms) keeping that foot off floor and then do a little hop. Then sit back down and do all over again, 20 times each side. It was my least fave thing to do, but definitely worked the booty!

    I also did lots of lunges and squats.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    One of my least fave things my trainer did was using a box and she constantly told me this was for booty . She had me sit on the box (chair or weight bench would work too) and then lift one foot of the floor- then I had to pull myself up to standing position (no help from arms) keeping that foot off floor and then do a little hop. Then sit back down and do all over again, 20 times each side. It was my least fave thing to do, but definitely worked the booty!

    I also did lots of lunges and squats.

    ewww that sounds hard but I'm gonna do it!!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Genetics! That's the only thing I think really works.

    I have a flat butt, my friends have teased and teased me for years. I've been running, and working out for 18 months straight 6-7x per week doing everything you can think of. And my butt is hard, I have very firm, thin, tiny, hard butt, - but still nothing whatsoever is there.

    Victoria Secret UpLift Jeans :)
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