P90X Classic or Lean?

I just ordered my copy of P90x earlier today and should be receiving it withing 5-8 days. My question is which version do I do, classic or lean? My wife and I will be doing this together. She's not very active and is trying to burn some fat and lose weight, while i'm pretty active (I try to get to the gym 3 times a week) and I want to burn fat, get lean while maintaining and continuing to build muscle.

I've heard the lean version gets rid of a lot of the resistance exercises which is what I need to build/maintain my muscle, but is right along the lines of what my wife wants/needs. Is it possible/practical to do the lean with her while still trying to get to the gym 3 times a week for weight training? Or can we do the classic and have her take it easier with the resistance work?

What do you think is the best way to accomodate us both?


  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I totally recommend the classic version for anyone the 1st time around. A lot of people, mostly women, worry about gaining bulk when lifting weights when the reality is, it's actually very difficult to get bulked up, especially for a woman. Tony talks about how to do more reps (12 -14 range) in order to go for that lean look rather than trying to get size, so I think that's all the adjustment she'll need to make.

    And, by the way, the classic version will definitely lean you out as well; he gets your heart rate up in the weight lifting sessions as well as the cardio sessions. In fact, I think most of the leaning out process is through adherence to the nutrition plan, IMO.