New Here, Hello Everyone :)

✰Melissa✰ Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone,
My name is Melissa, i'm new to Fitnesspal... this is my 3rd time on a diet, I did really well and then crashed hard and this last time I gained it all back plus some. So this is my 3rd and final time, cause I feel good this time :)
The last time I had a weight loss of 30lbs in a really short period of time, and then felt invincible....and it went all down hill...

So here I am again, and I feel good and hope to go all the way this time :)


  • jay586
    jay586 Posts: 133
    good luck mellisa
  • Good luck girl...You can do it this time...I know how you feel, but I have never lost a big amount like that. But hoping to make a complete lifestyle change :)
  • I did the same thing - but not this time :) we got this!!!
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome - Don't be in too much of a rush to achieve your goal...slow and steady is best and the weight is more likely to stay off..good luck
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    Welcome!! We are in this together!!! WE can do it!
  • Thanks so much everyone :) I kinda have a goal set up for myself, I have my good friends wedding in Sept 2011, that is kind of my first goal, so 8 months lol
    Im very excited this time and have a lot to work for.... Good Luck to everyone else as well, cant wait to lose weight with everyone :) and feel good <3
  • jay586
    jay586 Posts: 133
    you can do it
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm new...My name is Jessica....I'm finally following through on all the times I said I was going to eat healthier and work out.....IT'S WAY HARD....I'm glad I have this community for, if only I could get my family to get into this....
  • Good luck to you! I have had some success here and some failures. Its all up to you. Stay focused and losing weight will be easy. Im starting fresh again and just taking one day at a time. Set goal and you will be great!
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