Stay at home mom= no time to workout

I am really wanting to workout for at least 2 hours a day. I am aiming to be down some pounds by a certain date. The only thing holding me back are my kids. My hours of freetime are at night and the only thing I want to do then is just relax. Wahhh blahhhh.

I attempted a morning workout yesterday, 5 minutes into it I stepped on my 4 year old while doing jumping jacks. Then got a dirty sock thrown at me lol. I am doomed.


  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    silly as it is, can you get your little ones involved???

    when my niece was little she'd do sit ups, jumping jacks, jogging on the spot etc with me...or when doing press ups she'd lay across my back to 'help' me lol

    probably a silly idea but it'll help you get a bit of cardio in, and will help the kids burn off some when they're knackered and just want to sit down you can get a little more done
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    No, you're not doomed. You have to make time. Get up early, yes it sucks, or stay up late, sucks equally. But if you are serious, take serious actions.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    how about doing it before they wake up????
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    My momma used to get all kinds of excersize chasing me around yelling stuff like, "You better not light that!" and "Spit that frog out right now!"

    figure you are getting more than you realise.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    No, you're not doomed. You have to make time. Get up early, yes it sucks, or stay up late, sucks equally. But if you are serious, take serious actions.

    true dat!
  • iluvmine
    iluvmine Posts: 56 Member
    Take the kids to park, and run around with them for exercise. Im not a stay at home mom, but I get my 3 year old to do the workouts with me, he gets in the way sometimes, but I just keep going.. you can do it, just have to get motivated.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Didn't mean to sound ugly, but this is what I told myself
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    If your kids aren't in school yet they should probably still be taking a nap during the day. When I can't get to the gym I do some Wii Fit or Just Dance while my kids nap.
  • asanville
    asanville Posts: 5 Member
    That is so funny because I find that I have more time than ever to work out now that I'm a stay at home mom. I love my time at the gym, and my son loves to go play with the kids there. I go to LA Fitness and to add unlimited visits to the kids club is only $10 a month. And you can leave them in there for 2 hours a day. Most gyms have some sort of babysitter service available.
  • katebcastro
    Were in the same position..I have a 1yr old too..I jus hope theres some kind of exercise here which includes lifting and cleaning after your kids...LOL! Im pretty sure we lose some calories doing what we do as Moms..I do jump ropes and jumping jacks too but I wait til my baby is sleeping to do that.
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    I have the same problem! I have 5 kids and 2 are in school full time. 1 is part time (M-W-F) and the other 2 (2 yr old and 8 month old) are home with me all the time. I can't "get up early" -if I do-they wake up. I can't "stay up later" because by the time the last one nods off I am VERY close behind. It is a no win situation!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Don't know about you but I never felt like I got any "me" time when my 4 were young. The evenings were me and family or me and partner and I was too shattered to really think of anything but bed! Sooooooo...i started getting up an hour before the kids...that was my time. Try doing that...even if its only half an hour thats still time to get a workout in and burn a few calories off (i think 2 hours is a little much to be honest, you'll exhaust yourself)
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    I'm a SAHM as well to a 2 1/2 year old little girl. Zoey knows mommy has "workout time" in the morning and I always set her up with an activity to do while I work out. I usually do it in 30 minute spurts throughout the day. If I feel like working out more after she's in bed I'll work out for a little bit more and then relax the rest of the night. I use our Wii and Kinect for workout games and Zoey actually loves working out with me. I just have her stand in front of me most times so I know where she is and she'll play along for a bit and then go back to her activity. We also do a lot of walks to the park and play there for an hour or so and walk back home. Just have to get a little creative to fit workouts in!! Good luck! :)

    ETA: My daughter hasn't taken naps for about a year now so I've always had to figure out how to work exercise time in. Not sure if you have children who nap or not!
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    I hear you! I have 3 kids ages 1, 4, and 7 and it was very hard and frustrating to work out with them around. I started to dvr some fitness shows and the older 2 would do them with me (we homeschool so all 3 are always right by my side)! The middle one sometimes gets bored and drops out. The youngest has moments when she is trying to get me to pick her up but I just tell her no. Eventually she moves on. I think the key is to do it in small increments as well. You obviously can't do 2 hours straight but what about 20 min here and there throughout the day. Maybe one of them being bundling up and going out for a walk. Depending on their ages and if they must walk too, it may not be the speediest exercise of the day but it will help them burn energy too. :) Good luck to you. I know it is hard!!!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I am so there with you! I step on my three year old all the time, and she doesn't nap anymore. Sometimes she tries to do it with me, most times I resort to the electronic babysitter.

    Sometimes I make her homemade playdoh (1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup warm water) and she will play with that. Everyday is a challenge to come up with new things!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    my 3 yr old trys to work out with me or i set her up with some play doh and paints so i can get in an hour or so.we also have dance time where we put music on real loud and dance silly lots of jummping and such.she loves it its good for her good for me and tons of fun
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    My kids are older, but this may help in your case. if you have the Wii, invest in the Wii Fit Plus Bundle. There are a ton of games/exercises/yoga for ALL ages. We all take turns in the evening after dinner doing exercise. It does help because than the kids aren't watching as much tv and we're doing someting together as a family. :)
  • adpape
    How about going to the park? If they are old enough, the kids can play and you can workout either on the playground equipment or on the grass. Mine are too young for that yet but I am looking forward to that day! OR if they are little, you should see if you can find a mommy and me workout to do with baby press, stroller squats etc. A few of my friends in larger centres take their kids to strollersize which sounds fun.

    Good luck and if you figure it out, let us know!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Get 30 day shred by jillian michaels... 20 min workout...its brill..
  • bjenny1234
    I am also a stay at home mom, I have a daughter who is 4 years old. It can be tricky, my suggestion to you is look up Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds. It is walking in your living room, no stupid dance steps or anything that is too challenging to follow. I have done it since my daughter was born, and at times it has been difficult to get it done without her under my feet. But it is fast and I always am happy when I have finished! You can buy her DVDs on Amazon, at Target or Walmart or you can simply look her up on You Tube. Dr Oz's website has another link for her too.
    Basically if you can walk, lift your knee, kick, and step side to side you can do any one of her workouts! I like the 2 mile walk, takes 30 minutes. However the range is from 1-5 mile workouts, I have one dvd with 5 miles where you can skip and do however many you want. Hope this helps!!! :D