diet pills

does anyone take it? hate it? recomendations? i am trying soooo hard to get out of the 150s!!! thought i would try diet pills but wanted to see what mfp thought first!


  • Myndmelt
    Myndmelt Posts: 36 Member
    They are not good for you! Most of them are nothing but legal speed and they increase your heart rate. I cant stand the speeding feeling. I do not recommend diet pills.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I posted this on someone elses about 10 min ago so I will share it with as well.
    Diet pills are not a very healthy way to go and most of the time the weight comes right back after you stop them. The best thing to do if you ARE going to try them would be to go to the doctor. that way the can monitor you and make sure you don't start having problems on them.
    If you are looking for a way to feel full so you dont over eat try eating high fiber foods and drinking alot of water with them. It really does help. try aiming for 35 grams a day. there alot of thing out there that are high fiber.
    Alot of people think that if you eat alot of fiber you will be pooping all day and that is not the case you may the first day or 2 but the difference is dietary fiber and soluble fiber ( will make you go to bathroom often! ) . This has worked really well for me. So it is something to be considered. Hope things work out for you.