starting a cult wanna join?

mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
Lol i keep maxing my friend limit and love having followers and dont tweet (although i do have twitter account). So im starting a cult send all your money to me and ill make you awesome like me :)


  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    will there be kool aid?
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    Lol i keep maxing my friend limit and love having followers and dont tweet (although i do have twitter account). So im starting a cult send all your money to me and ill make you awesome like me :)

    but can you make me as humble or modest???
  • megan_mp
    will there be kool aid?

    Only if it's purple. However, I haven't checked the comet schedule lately.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    will there be kool aid?

    I was going to say the same thing. :laugh:
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    No kool aid and its impossible to be as modest as me
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    I would love to join your cult, but the spaceship I've been waiting for is finally here and is taking me to my mother ship.
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I'm making the t-shirts as we speak.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    If I join THEN do I get my hat? I chased the mailman today! LMAO.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Take a check??? evillaugh.gif

    I mean.. angel4.gif
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Lol i keep maxing my friend limit and love having followers and dont tweet (although i do have twitter account). So im starting a cult send all your money to me and ill make you awesome like me :)

    Instead of making me awesome can you make me drop 50 lbs. and never gain it again oh and long hair because I am getting impatient growing it out.... Your money is paypal'd thanks HAHA
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Lol i keep maxing my friend limit and love having followers and dont tweet (although i do have twitter account). So im starting a cult send all your money to me and ill make you awesome like me :)

    Instead of making me awesome can you make me drop 50 lbs. and never gain it again oh and long hair because I am getting impatient growing it out.... Your money is paypal'd thanks HAHA

    just say i am awesomely thin everyday for a week once an hour. i've got a mirror coming to you and you can only look at yourself in this mirror
  • pinksocks73
    Lol i keep maxing my friend limit and love having followers and dont tweet (although i do have twitter account). So im starting a cult send all your money to me and ill make you awesome like me :)

    Will there be shoulders in this cult?
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Lol i keep maxing my friend limit and love having followers and dont tweet (although i do have twitter account). So im starting a cult send all your money to me and ill make you awesome like me :)

    Instead of making me awesome can you make me drop 50 lbs. and never gain it again oh and long hair because I am getting impatient growing it out.... Your money is paypal'd thanks HAHA

    just say i am awesomely thin everyday for a week once an hour. i've got a mirror coming to you and you can only look at yourself in this mirror

    Awesome lol. I will religiously look into this mirror HAHA - can we have spaghetti monsters too? lol
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Lol i keep maxing my friend limit and love having followers and dont tweet (although i do have twitter account). So im starting a cult send all your money to me and ill make you awesome like me :)

    Will there be shoulders in this cult?

    take a look in my pics. there you will see the shoulders that you will rub and rest upon ;)
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    Will the women in your cult have to bear your children, make all food from scratch, and churn butter?
    If so... I'm in!!

  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Will the women in your cult have to bear your children, make all food from scratch, and churn butter?
    If so... I'm in!!


    ahhh my chosen one i like your ambition!