
Hello, sorry I don't mean to be a downer but really struggling:( I am 5'4" and just over 200lbs. I havent been this heavy since I was 9months pregnant 11 years ago! At the begining of this new year I have been making changes for a happier healthier me, but it seems as though I'm slowly gaining? I have been in 1 boot camp class for 5wks now and a 2nd one for 2 wks now and walk in between I've been using MFP to help myself track but it kinda just makes me feel even more guilty about what I eat? And I'm always hungry, it seems more often than not now that I am cnstantly thinking about food. Stuck...........HELP!


  • sarahtroupe
    Hi... my name is Sarah and i know what ur going thru... It's just gonna take a lil time for ur body to get used to this... keep ur head up and remember one day at a time:)
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Don't give up. You are doing great. Just keep it up and your body will catch up!
  • Olona
    Olona Posts: 70
    I would like to help but I'm in the same situation I just put up a post just like this one. :)
  • jess804
    jess804 Posts: 21 Member
    I forgot to add that I've gained 2 lbs over the last 6wks rather than losing:(
  • iluvmine
    iluvmine Posts: 56 Member
    its ok.. keep on doing whats right.. and it will work out
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Don't get discouraged! It sounds like you're working really hard, you'll get there, it might just take some time.

    I'm not sure what you typically eat, but what about adding more protein to your diet and less carbs, it might help with the hunger issues. Or eating more fruits and veggies to fill you up, but not adding a lot of calories.

    I don't know about you, but when I input my exercise, sometimes I feel like it overestimates what I burned. Not on everything, but usually on aerobics classes. For instance, I did an hour kickboxing class the other day and it told me I burned 1100 calories!! Which I definitely don't think I did, so instead of putting in an hour, I only entered 45 minutes, because we have a warm up, cool down, and an ab session where I'm not burning as much. And I think that gives me a more accurate number and I use that to figure out my extra calories that I have to eat. I do usually eat most of my exercise calories, because otherwise I will be too far under my 1200 calories for the day.

    Do you eat your exercise calories? Maybe you're not eating enough.

    I know I rambled a lot but I hope something helps you out. Believe me everyday is a struggle for me, but I keep telling myself that I can be strong and that I can do this. Just try to stay positive!
  • tungaiunwa
    tungaiunwa Posts: 38 Member
    just keep in mind you didn't put the weight on overnight you wont lose it overnight either. just watch your calories and keep positive. If you feel hungry find a low calorie snack and indulge (responsibly) If you want some pointers on your diet make your diary public and people can tell you where you could maybe make changes! Keep positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tungaiunwa
    tungaiunwa Posts: 38 Member
    I forgot to add that I've gained 2 lbs over the last 6wks rather than losing:(
    if your working out at a boot camp you could be adding muscle...are your clothes fitting better?
  • Ceria
    Ceria Posts: 46 Member
    Hi. I understand what you are going through. Losing weight (I have just found out) is all about calories in vs calories out. It does not matter how much you exercise if you are not watching your food (fat, sugar, carb) intake. If you burn 1000 calories doing your bootcamp and then eat a Whopper value meal then you have just canceled out the 1000 calories burned and picked up a few extra calories from the 1200 calorie meal. This equals slow weight gain. I was just over 400lbs when I realized this. MFP is here to give you the tools to make sure that your workouts are not in vain. Try it for a week (correctly) and you will see a big difference in your progress (or you will clearly see where you are going wrong). Hang in there! Every day is a new opportunity to try again.
  • trackgirl_08
    trackgirl_08 Posts: 20 Member
    Just remember cardio is your friend.....cardio is going to be what helps to get the pounds off at first. I can't see your diary to see what you are eating, but make sure you eat enough calories....avoid added sugar and drink alot of water. It will happen....don't worry to much about the scale and let your clothes show your results because I think inches are the most important thing :wink:
    You can do it :bigsmile:
  • jess804
    jess804 Posts: 21 Member
    Ibought a heart monitor/calorie counting watch to help and input what I do for exercise........Thank you
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    I soo understand!! Been there done that!! I use to only eat 3 meals a day and I would constantly think about food..This time around I'm taking the 6 smaller meals a day and not only do I not think about it as much but sometimes I'm so not even hungry but know I have to eat the 4th meal of the day to keep my metabolism moving I have to force myself to eat it...Funny huh? How before I would think omg i'm sooo hungry must eat EVERTHING..and now I'm like dang I really have to eat AGAIN! I just ate 2 hours ago!!
    Your body might still be adjusting to what your doing now and give it time..:) The weight gain could possibly be muscle too..Bootcamp is no joke! I applaud you for doing it!! Best Wishes!! I hope you see results soon! Don't give up!!
  • fullbrights
    What I found out 1 was I wasnt eating enough calories. 2. Also when I did I eat more calories then I did food. ex: egg mcmuffin and hashbrown 450 calories and not really much food. I started with the Jimmy Dean 1/2 the fat egg muffins at 230 calories now I can eat more food. Get more food with less calories and also try to have something to eat every 2 hours. Lean Cuisine has some great balanced meals low calories also low price. Also watch out for your artificial sweetener intake that can actually cause more weight gain and swelling. Also you doing a really big exercise like your doing you will be gaining muscle. Try to look at it as losing Fat not Weight. Weight is anything other than fat. So get you a tape measure or a fat scale and dont pay the scale much attention. Hope this helps take care Thanks G
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Dear discouraged, I know how you feel! I have learned something though that really helps curb your appetite. Increase your protein and fiber. This will give you more energy and keep you full longer plus drink your 8 glasses of water a day. Hope this helps you:)
  • jess804
    jess804 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you but honestly I don't even remember the last time I had fast food because it usually upsets my stomach:(
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    Aside from "hungry all the time" how do you feel? Energized maybe? I know when I can't make progress (which is all the dang time) I try to remember that I want to loose weight, but it's more about how I feel when I walk, workout, or make smart choices....calm, refreshed, energized, powerful! Maybe concentrating on the positive aspects of your experience would help. What ever the case, stick with it, and know that we all have days we feel discouraged....this too shall pass. As for being hungry, my answer to this these days is water and fiber (aim for 35 grams of fiber daily), it will help you feel full.
  • jess804
    jess804 Posts: 21 Member
    I actually enjoy working out because its "me" time and I have been struggling to take "me" time and have finally done it! And ya I feel great after a work out and a shower I feel like a million bucks but then when I look in the mirror I don't like what I see:(
  • jess804
    jess804 Posts: 21 Member
    Last year at this time I actually did a 7 day cleanse where you wean yourself from certain things the first day or two then its a special liquid diet only for 3 days and then slowy back to normal. I was sooooooo sick. I threw up the first day I didnt have coffee and wanted a cup so bad but didnt do it, I went 6 or 7 days without caffine....it was hard the first 2 days but once i got to the liquid i was actually ok but I paid like $80 for this and you take supplement day n night and all i lost was 3 lbs :( so not worth it. I have already reduced my sugar intake and added protein I guess I really need to watch the carbs and I've had my slip up days too! I just figured out how to make my diary public so feel free any constructive critisism I will take!
  • jess804
    jess804 Posts: 21 Member
    Whats weird to me is I use to only eat pasta & veggies and boneless, skinless chicken once in awhile and had no problems maintaining my weight 3 yrs ago??? Dont know whats changed except life around me and I know when Im stressed my body holds onto things whether I want it to or not:(
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm new here. But I looked at your diary, try to cut out the white bread, crackers, a lot of food that turns to sugar. For me if I start out the day good, like eggs, then I continue the day good. I wake up and drink water, and I think about what I want to eat. Don't beat yourself up, life is a marathon not a sprint. Good Luck on your journey