20 lbs down by may 14

im in a wedding, yes the dress fits me fine now, but i want to be more comfortable pleas.. what did you do to shed weight quick? my daily workout is 45 mins on eliptical and 25 weight tranning for 6 days a week.. i been doing this straight for 5 weeks, only lost 4 lbs and 3 inch..... oo sometimes i throw in zumba 2 times a week 1 hour long, so please please help me:)


  • queenofdisney
    It sounds like you are doing great! Maybe even too much. I actually find that if I go overboard, my body losses less weight. Every now and then I throw in a "liquid" day where I'll make a fruit/yogurt smoothie with protein powder for breakfast and have some juice and water in the day and I've had black bean soup with rice for dinner and a cup of chicken noodle soup for lunch. They are relatively liquids but has some nutritional value to them so it's not 100% a true liquid day.

    You can also try a colon cleanse type of thing once in a blue moon, but I've never tried it.

    Remember, losing weight fast may not always stick. If you lose it more slowly, you are more likely to keep it off because you are doing it the right way but I do understand what you are saying.

    Good luck!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    You might take your calories down to about 1200 until you reach your goal. Your work outs are impressive! So it must be too many caloreis. I'd recommend more fresh veggies.
  • us05
    us05 Posts: 54
    I will join you on this one... I want to be 23lbs down by May 13... Im going to Singapore, and want to look better in a bikini

    I am 90.5 kg (199.5 lbs) at the moment and I want to get down to 80kgs (176lbs) by the time I go away.

    I will add you as a friend, so we can push each other, considering we have the same goals :)

    If you loose that much, is the dress going to fit you?
  • deanneashley
    i think the dress will fit.. lol. its just right now. but thats withought the padded bra.
  • sarrah2903
    You might need to mix things up a bit, as once your body gets used to a particular type of exercise the results tend to slow down.

    I'd probably try doing a different type of cardio a couple of times a week, and see if that makes a difference. However, If you've lost 3 inches, I'd guess the weightloss isn't showing on the scales as you've gained muscle which is way better in the long run!

    Keep it up!