Hi! I am also new here =)

I never know what to write on these types of things. So i guess I will just start off like this......

About, lets say, 10 months ago I decided that I wanted to change some things and I did just that! YAY me. I am 5'8 and was at 180 lbs. I completely changed what I ate and dropped 30 lbs woo hoo!! My mom passed away in Sep this year and I was totally devestated. I wasnt eating much at all for like a month. After that month I started to eat crap again. I have only gained about 6 lbs back and thought it would be a good time to put the kabosh on that hole cycle =) So here I am, ready to suit up and show up! My goal is to be bikini ready by the end of summer. I just wanna say I wore one lol !! A friend of mine told me about this site, and I feel already that its better than reading some posts in the diet section of CL. Ill still read there, but I love how this site works already! So Day One, was already a success. YAY me. if only I can get the whole excercise thing started! Excited to meet some new peeps along the way =)


  • katebcastro
    Welcome!we can do this together..Lets Go!:smile:
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I'm new too and so far the site has been awesome! Enjoy!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I'm new too and so far the site has been awesome! Enjoy!
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Hi samsam! I just joined this site too and so far I am liking it! So sorry to hear about ur mom, how sad it is when we lose a loved one. Great job on only gaining back 6 lbs, I am envious just a bit :smile: Sounds like u'll be bikini ready by summer!! U go girl!!