Starting P90X! (Tips?)

GufoBianca Posts: 41
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So I started P90X today and successfully completed day one! It was super tough, but so invigorating at the same time! I want to purchase a heart rate monitor to calculate how many calories I am burning in these workouts along with any other exercises I do. I was wondering if anyone has tried the S7 HR Monitor from Wal Mart? It's priced at $28.77 and I don't feel like wasting my money on something that isn't accurate. I want something that I can rely on :) Any input?

Also, any other P90X-ers have any tips for me? Or anyone who is just starting want to buddy up and share progress reports?



  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 210 Member
    Hey I started last monday and I was wondering the same thing about the HR in walmart. Add me as a freind so we can do this together.
  • Request sent! I can't wait to start seeing some results :) All of these before and after P90X stories and pictures have me revved up and very excited to push through!
  • jlc88
    jlc88 Posts: 2 Member
    I did P90X for about 4 weeks and then stopped because nursing school took over my life. BUUUTTT I loved it and I am currently on my third week of my "restart" of it. One tip that I would give you is not to get discouraged if you are not losing the weight you want to after all the hard work, but stick with it!!!! My weight didn't decrease much since I was gaining muscle, but I was definately losing inches and getting definition in my arms and legs and a flatter stomach. Also, I would definately use some kind of a recovery drink like they talk about in the videos. I just used a whey protein powder with coffee, water, or milk. You can do it!!!!! Good luck!!
  • Btera1977
    Btera1977 Posts: 1 Member
    Just remember to stick with it, BRING IT and keep pushing PLAY! I started last May got through the first three weeks and life happened and had to stop but I'm finishing up my first week tomorrw but I'm going balls out, lol Wish ya the best hun and if you need any tips, hit me up! God Bless....
  • Thanks for the support, guys! I do think I need to invest into some Whey protein powder..any recommendations on what kind to get? I definitely want to soak up all the protein I can get, so I want a good quality powder :D
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Take a few before pictures, and throw away your scale for at least the first month. Measurements are also a good idea to track your progress. You will lose weight and get in better shape but the scale might not show it for a bit.

    Also just do your best. It's all through the DVDs "Do your best, and forget the rest." If you can do one more, do it; if you can't stretch while they finish. Just stick with it and every week you get stronger and better.

    Good luck!
  • I took some before pictures which I will post with the after pictures because I know I'm going to finish the whole 90 days!!

    tross, I will definitely have to have my boyfriend hide the scale, LOL. I think you're's probably not a good idea to weigh in during the first month. I want to put 110% into this :-) I'm so excited to get farther into it!
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