working out too much?



  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    I really appreciate the input from everyone! A lot of things suggested are things I do I just didn't think to mention!

    I do protein shakes with Greek yogurt a couple times a week, I always take one day off a week (more if I'm exhausted!), I definitely do weight training and resistance training (ive gotta keep up with the exercises after I had my ACL replaced), and I know cardio is all about intensity but I work up a good sweat and keep my HR in whichever zone I'm going for.

    On that note, I'm a bit of an over-achiever and perfectionist. I tend to "go big or go home" with things plus I just love the feeling endorphins give me. I can understand where a lot of y'all are coming from with worries of being burned out and muscle exhaustion.
  • stacielynn1
    I do not think it is too much. I do cardio 5 days a week 60 mins and do reg workouts 4 nights a week with strenght training with weights 30 mins each. I also do 1.5 miles on the elipitical 4 to 5 times a week. Its not about doing too much its what you can handle! to some this would be too much but you work up to it. To me excerise relaxes me its not about impressing ppl its about releasing stress and feeling good at the same time. I say continue on the path you are going just listen to your body and rest at least once a week!!