Going to the movies tomorrow - Yikes! And it's not a horror.



  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    Good job! i actually have sat through bad movies to fill the popcorn craving. Once I sat next to a super thin girl and when the movie started she pulled out a baggie of frosted flakes. Of course my friend and I had a huge bag of buttery popcorn and 2 diet cokes AND redvines, so we thought she was crazy. However, may be a good alternative for that crunchy need. Also, when I eat popcorn, I eat one kernel at a time. I know it sounds crazy, but it makes me eat less and I get all the satisfying crunch flavor but none of the crumbs down my front like when I used to do handfuls, plus way less calories. Any how, congrats and I am glad you don't have a tummy ache!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I work at a cinema and oh it is hard when I have to pop the stuff just before we open. It. Smells. So. Good. I always make sure I eat a filling breakfast and take a yummy lunch so I know I won't give in like my colleagues and buy some :) If I see a movie, I'll buy a little one to share with my boyfriend but mostly we just get drinks.

    I'm proud of you resisting your temptations :) Perhaps offer to split a small with a friend next time? I also make a rule with my boyfriend not to eat any during the trailers before the movie, once our movie starts we can eat the popcorn. I find we eat it a lot slower than we used to.
  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    What a good boyfriend. I tried making that rule and was called a popcorn nazi...probably why he is an ex. LOL