
Aloha to all, I am starting my weight loss journey for probably the 20th time and wondered if any one can help me get really motivated to exercise. I have a pretty busy schedule like many others and something always comes up, How do other people do it. I hate to exercise too which does not help???:flowerforyou:


  • nevergonnagiveup
    Hiya ausbrah! Been there many times myself! I am a 45 yr mum of 3 (started later than most :) )Finally started to get it right from March last year. What helped me was my change in not weight or dress size. Mind you this has been an awesome bonus along the way!!!LOL I looked at my health and decided I really want to be here for my kids. My family has a history of heart disease, high blood pressure etc...not a place I wanted to go. Some kind and patient friends got me started in running.... very slowly.....street light to street light kinda thing. I discovered I loved being outdoors and that what I was doing was running, even if it was at intervals! Gotta say I am hooked now:smile: Point is, find something you love, even walking early in the morning is beautiful...gets your head clear, the air is beautiful, even in the city it is still better that time of day, plus you have achieved your exercise for the day and don't have to squeeze it in! Sometimes this means that I have to run very early- 5am sometimes, and sometimes I have to get the kids to ride their bikes while I run because of hubby starting very early or needing to go away for work. Take the challenge, treat it as a game! Your worst enemy is your thoughts. Your legs, whatever, will do whatever your mind tells them to do, believe me! There is a solution to every problem, not all of them are pleasant - that's all. There is no such thing as a bad run, walk, whatever. As long as you have started, you have succeeded for the day! You can do this! Just take it one day at a time. Sorry if I seem to rant, but I am passionate about this. I want others to find the strength in themselves I found. I know we all have it. We just have to dig at different levels.... Go girl! You can do it!!!:bigsmile:
  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi ausbrah

    You need to find something that you enjoy. I know it's the old cliché and you could say that you hate all exercise but there are some hobbies that you can get into where you don't even realise that you're doing it.

    I would personally advise getting outdoors at the weekends. Take a walk with your family/friends, it's much more rewarding/fun than going to the shops or watching telly. You will also discover some really beautiful places. If you want to kick it up a notch, go hillwalking it burns a ridiculous amount of calories and you get beautiful views. You could also take a pick nick of just the amount you need so you're not tempted to snack (no sweet shops in the woods/mountains/hills).

    It needs to be something that you really love, when you get a passion for something nothing can stop you going out and doing it. I personally love climbing, which burns loads of calories and the walk in to the crags are very steep!

    I like to do silly things like roller blading but for the fun not the exercise. I also take my bike if I'm going to the local shops instead of the car so it doesn't feel like exercise just something to get you there quickly. I walk places also that I always couldn't be bothered to do. Now it feels like nothing, I used to always park my car as close as I could possibly get to my destination but now I park in the easiest place and walk the rest of the way. It saves loads on parking charges and is good for the environment too (and your fuel bills).

    You need something that feels rewarding like a dance/martial arts class because you feel that you are learning something, which keeps you motivated.

    Mostly I would suggest sports because you're more likely to want to go and progress than if you're going to the gym/fitness classes where you just feel like you're going for the sake of exercise. Maybe Badmington, Tennis or ice skating.

    Another thing everyone will suggest is Zumba Zumba Zumba. It's all anyone is going on about at the moment. I watched a class that was going on next to my climbing wall and it seemed fun. Looks like it could be disheartening though if you can't get the steps. It looks like a step class without the step but with a more Latin dance flavour.
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    You can exercise just from doing your normal routine.

    I take small loads of washing upstairs so i have to make more trips upstairs, it all adds to exercise. Park the car a bit further away from work or the shops so you have to walk abit further that sort of thing.

    You dont have to go running or join a gym to do it. even cooking food is classed as exercise on here. Goodluck x
  • Gergens
    Gergens Posts: 3 Member
    all I gotta say is give it a shot.. a REAL shot!
    don't do what you don't want to.. just make a REAL and CONSCIOUS change
    in your nutrition and a bit in your activity...
    take a walk.. eat less bred.. dunno! just ideas
    Make the change... you'll see and FEEL the change!
    there will be no better motivation rather than that!
    give it a shot, c'mon!
    you'll see
    just commit for a week.. or two!
    then you'll be hooked

    just remember to go easy n the carbs!
    lol I tell that to myself all the time