Help! I've stopped loosing weight.

mrchantele123 Posts: 51
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm stuck :( I'm so close to having lost a stone and I'm offically stuck. I'm not doing anything differently to before, how can I help myself here? Eat less? Help me please :(


  • cgwhite
    cgwhite Posts: 8 Member
    If you have lost a stone in a month you have reached "starvation level". You should not be aiming to loose more than 2 lbs per week. i.e. half a stone in a month. By dieting, and only being 18 years old, your body has reached the point that it has decided that you are starving it and will in fact start storing fat as fast as it can. You will be using muscle as you don't need muscle if you are starving. You need to reset your body by eating more to get it to believe that you are not starving any more. Over eat for one day in four and do more excercise to keep the muscle build up.
  • Had the same issue when lost 9 kg. Had 3 or 4 weeks without weightloss.
    If I could eat less, would definitely do it, but I couldn't. So I replaced the most fattening food (potatoes in my case) with vegetables and started moving more. As a result, lost 3 kg in the next 3 weeks.
    Hope, it'll work for you as it worked for me.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    If you have lost a stone in a month you have reached "starvation level". You should not be aiming to loose more than 2 lbs per week. i.e. half a stone in a month. By dieting, and only being 18 years old, your body has reached the point that it has decided that you are starving it and will in fact start storing fat as fast as it can. You will be using muscle as you don't need muscle if you are starving. You need to reset your body by eating more to get it to believe that you are not starving any more. Over eat for one day in four and do more excercise to keep the muscle build up.

    Great advice! You have to be careful if you are only 18 as well as your metabolism may just be starting to level out (I am pretty sure mine didnt level out till I was around 20!) Try "tricking" your body by having a week of not exercising and one day of that week having a takeaway for dinner or something. Then go at it hard in the gym the following week. Hopefully this should shock your body into losing again. Although I do echo what the guy above said, be careful not to undereat. Eat at least half of your exercise calories as well as your recommended calorie intake and you will be fine.Good luck!
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    You should be eating at LEAST 1200 cal per day.....If you are eating at least that much, and you are exercising, you need to change up your work out....A coach from the Dr. Oz website told someone because they were exercising a tremendous amount, they needed to up their calories, because the body was in starvation mode. You may also have to look at your sugar intake and fat intake....You may be getting the right calories, but maybe too much sugar, or too much fat....
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Before you panic, you should start consistently logging your food. I just took a look at your diary and you have long periods of blank diary pages. Also, try and cut out the convenience foods and some of the chocolate. I don't think chocolate is a bad thing, but you shouldn't be having an entire chocolate bar each day. Watch your sodium and drink plenty of water, and rather than buying a frozen meal, make yourself a salad, or go to and take a look at their healthy recipes. If you are eating a lot of pre-made foods, your sodium could be really high, which will make you retain water, and you'll never see a change on the scale.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    ive had a look at your diary too, i think u need to increase the amount that you eat as in make the meals a bit more substantial and filling. you also need to get some more water in. and possibly have a salad/ soup in the evenings. a stone in a month is a lot to aim for, maybe 7lbs is more realistic and it will stay off as well :)
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Chantele, I cannot emphasise this enough......take it slowly!!!! You are 18, and if you diet too fast at your age, you set yourself up for a lifetime of yoyoing, at heaven knows what cost to your health. I went on my first diet at 20, feeling horrendously fat at 10 stone 10, even though that is a perfectly healthy weight for my height (I wanted to be 10st 4 again). I firmly believe that if I had never done that first 'diet', but had eaten healthy food choices and exercised regularly, I would not have started the horrendous seesaw I have been on ever since, or be trying to lose 6 stone at the age of 43....

    This is a time of your life to develop a healthy relationship with food and your body, and treat it with respect. It's the only one you will get.

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