Need help please!

I'm currently stuck at 11st 9lbs. I've lost a stone in total since October, put a few pounds on over Xmas now lost it again, but always seem to get stuck around this point! Was 9 1/2 stone when I met my fiance six and 1/2 years ago and not expecting to get down to that but would like to be 10 1/2 for our wedding in May.

My daily diet is generally breakfast: weetabix x3 and skimmed milk, lunch: homemade wrap of ham, philadelphia light, sundried tomatoes and basil with two ww cookies/rice cakes/raisins and 2 clementines then tea is chicken in sauce/potatoes/veg/ww lasagne made from scratch/chargrilled chicken wraps/ww ready meals/birds eye fish and chips etc

I don't tend to snack between meals and go to the gym 3 times a week 30-45 mins a time and usually go walking with my mum for a few hours on Saturdays.

I've lost a couple of inches each side round my chest as I tried on my wedding dress a couple of weeks ago and its a lot looser than it was when I first tried it on!

Just feeling a tad disheartened even though I feel gorgeous in my dress I've got three tiny bridesmaids and want to be a size 10 not the comfortable size 12 I am now.

Any advice? Or any diet suggestions? What do you eat in a normal day? Do I need to up the exercise? Eat different things?



  • RAShane
    I was stuck for a while at a weight and was doing all I thought I could to lose, such as exercising 3-4 days a week and eating well. I worked with a nutritionist recently and she changed the balance of my carbs, protein, and fat. Now, I eat carbs during the day with an equal percentage of protein, then at night, I eat protein and veggies. Not only did I notice results, but my husband did as well! She explained that the carbs aren't necessary at night because I am slowing down and preparing to sleep. I hope this helps.:happy:
    I also have a snack in between breakfast and lunch, and again between lunch and dinner, like baby carrots, small apple and a cheese stick. It's also good to drink about a half liter of water before each meal to help fill your stomach.
  • Dicol
    Dicol Posts: 1
    Don't feel disheartened it happens to literally everybody!
    Have you heard of eating 5 meals a day?
    In theory if you eat more, your body knows that it will need to burn it off sooner because it will get more soon. This increases your metabolic rate so you also burn more calories. Try snacking between meals on things like 20g whey protein shakes, 20g nuts (like cashews and almonds), 80g green olives etc.

    Ive been trying to eat the 5 meals a day and its going ok, but ive not been doing it long enough to say if it actually works for me tho!

    If you only use the gym, try going to classes. You get more of a full body workout and you feel as tho you have to keep up with everyone else so it motivates you! I like doing aerobics, step and body combat. Try them for fun!!!

    Hope you feel better in your wedding dress, if not, make sure the bridesmaids are wearing something awful so you will automaticaly look better than them!!!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    If you make your food diary public, we might be able to offer you some suggestions. Are you way under your calorie goal each day. It may sound strange, but you may not be eating enough to loose weight.
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    Since you are losing inches I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you are losing fat but replacing with muscle. That's a good thing! I know that it is nearly impossible to do, but try to focus on your measurements and not on the scale. The scale is not your friend. If you stay consistent...keep eating well and exercising, you will get the results that you want. Try to also not forget that as you get closer to your goal or ideal, the lbs come off slower.
    It sounds like you are doing a great job and just need to keep your eyes on the prize and not get disheartened.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    Im keen to try this idea also. I went to see a dietician and was advised that instead of having a bowl of cereal for breakfast to have an egg instead because you will feel full for longer and have more energy.

    Its those darn carbs! just need to cut down.

    Instead of having your ham wrap with sundried tomato just have a ham salad with fresh tomatoes. its the little changes that make the big difference!
  • emmclah
    Thanks for the suggestions, I've made my food diary public if you've any ideas!


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, I've made my food diary public if you've any ideas!



    I would try eating a bit more. You want to try to avoid going under 1200 net calories a day.

    Good Luck.