Just starting out

Ekaette07 Posts: 29 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone,

My best friend referred me to this site. I am trying to lose weight mainly for health reasons and also for my best friend's wedding in September 2011. I am starting off very slowly with the exercise mainly because I never really have exercised and because I just recently got out of the hospital and I have to do everything slowly for a while. For the last 2 weeks (this being the second week), I have started walking every afternoon 2 houses down from my house and back. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but for me, any kind of movement beyond going to the fridge is an improvement. I'm hoping to start waliking to the third house within the next 1-2 weeks.

I look forward to hearing from everyone and learning any tips you may have!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I did not start exercising until I lost 40 pounds. Then it hit me like a rock that I actually WANTED to exercise.

    Good luck on your journey
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    Something is better than nothing! I even pace around my house if I have nothing to do. Beats sitting in front of the tv or computer.
  • Hello everyone! I am just starting out with MFP but I have already lost 2 pounds. I started as a skeptic on 2/7/11 but it has become an everyday log in that I can't do without. If anyone has any suggestions for me to help me on my way please feel free to let me know.
  • You are actually being sensible by starting with baby steps. The last thing you want to do is push yourself too hard in the beginning and risk injuring yourself, especially since you are still recovering from your hospitalization. You are on the right path and MFP will keep your motivated!
  • I just signed up today for this tracker. I have been trying to lose weight for what feels like eternity. I get these burst of energy and work out several days and then the next week I can't stop eating and have zero energy. So far I have only managed to maintain my weight. I know that is a great first step. I find the hardest part is staying out of the kitchen when I get home from work. So, after filling in my information on this website, I should be able to lose 6.7 lbs by March 18th.
    What is your expected loss?
  • jady121584
    jady121584 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am trying to lose weight mainly for health reasons and also for my best friend's wedding in September 2011.

    I applaud you for making the first steps!!!!

    Maybe you could find ways to reward yourself if you reach your goals. Maybe get a mani/pedi every 2lbs. You could also reward yourself for habit changes. For example, if you drink 8 glasses of water 5/7 days a week you get to do something that you look forward to doing.

    Since you said that you joined with a friend- maybe you could link your rewards together- for example. You guys could plan to do things together to celebrate your weight milestones- like a healthy dinner or going to someplace that you both want to go.

    You could also make it a friendly competition between the two of you. Maybe every two weeks you can each agree on a healthy habit that you'd like to start. The habits could be different or the same, but it doesn't matter much as long as they are quantifiable. The person that is the most successful at the "Healthy Habit Challenge" would be the one to pick what you guys do for the reward.
  • Small milestones have really helped me! And although it's tedious really tracking the calories I'm eating. I know exactly how much I have to do based on what I've eaten for the day. It helps me to not east so much because I know I'll have to work it off later. But slow and steady. If you can't do 2 houses now, try two and a half or just a littler further more until you get to the third house.

    And the reward program sounds great! Mani-pedi for every two miles?
  • Ekaette07
    Ekaette07 Posts: 29 Member
    Well by March 18th I am supposed to have lost 10lbs...
  • Ekaette07
    Ekaette07 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement!! It really does make a difference. Just by reading all the posts I know things I need to improve on like planning my meals a little better to make sure I am hitting my calorie goals for the week. I can usually get about 32-48 oz of water in a day, but I need to increase that bit more too!

    I am really excited to be doing this especially because I am doing this for me and no one else!!
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