Delicious Low-Sugar Whey Protein Smoothie

I use "Show Me the Whey" natural vanilla flavored whey protein powder. It's sweetened with Stevia instead of sugar or nasty artificial crap, so it allows you to get protein without consuming a ridiculous amount of carbs. Show Me the Whey is a whey isolate powder and can be found in the health foods section of Kroger as a generic. I live in the midwest and if you don't have Kroger or a local health food co-op (which is where I buy mine), I'm not sure where to find it.

Mix 1 scoop of protein powder with 1 cup Silk Unsweetened Organic soy milk. Blend for a few seconds until powder is mixed thoroughly.

You could use cow's milk, but I don't like the taste of cow's milk. Even if you make this smoothie/shake with soy milk, it's absolutely delicious, trust me! I've made this for friends and they just thought it was a milkshake!

Next, add frozen fruit of your choice. You could blend ice into the powder/soy milk mixture and then add fresh fruit. I use frozen fruit because it doesn't spoil and it means I don't have to deal with the hassle of chopping ice in my blender.

I like to use about a third of a cup of mixed berries (blueberry, blackberry and red raspberry) and half a cup of strawberries. If you use whole frozen strawberries (which I do) put one in the smoothie and blend it thoroughly before adding the next one. If you have some sort of mega awesome blender, you could probably just add all the frozen fruit at once. I have a tiny, cheap blender so I do my strawberries one at a time.

One scoop of Show Me the Whey, One cup of Silk unsweetened Organic Soy Milk, and 0.3 cups mixed berries and .5 cups strawberries adds up to the following:

Calories: 213
Total Carbs: 13
Fat: 5
Protein: 26
Fiber: 4
Calcium: 39%

If I had a larger blender, I would probably add more fruit, but my blender holds a maximum of 16oz. I also sometimes add a packet of Stevia for extra sweetness, but that's a personal preference thing.

It took me a while to find a way to add Whey Protein to my diet and not have it taste chalky and nasty or require A LOT of sugar to disguise the taste. I wanted to share in case someone else had the same problem.

I am lactose intolerant, so Whey Protein Isolate is easier on my stomach. This is also (in addition to not liking the taste of cow's milk) that I use soy milk in my smoothies.

I have entered this shake as a meal "Whey Shake -- mixed berries and Strawberries" if you'd like to check the nutritional facts yourself.

I've spent the past few months easing processed sugar out of my diet. I drink one of these shakes before/after working out (especially on days I lift) and sometimes at the end of the day when I'm craving sweets.