Ideas for Christian tattoo?



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Also...if ya'll want to see some amazing Christian tat's....look up bands like Demon Hunter, As I Lay Dying, Haste The Day, Skillet, Creed, The Famine, Kutless, POD, Hawk Nelson, Stellar Kart...all the guys in these bands are Christian...they all have tattoos to glorify God. Yes, our bodies are our temples...but why not proclaim our beliefs with our skin?
    I have a triquetra on my is also a Pagan/Wiccan symbol. The triquetra in the Christian sense represents the Holy Trinity. I have had people of other faiths ask me about my tat...and by that action alone I have brought more people into the fold. It's a way to show others what I believe. I have plans for getting my entire back covered as well.
  • knighttrain74
    knighttrain74 Posts: 125 Member
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~ Philippians 4:13
  • SarahR1984
    Not to get sidetracked or start anything, but I read all the comments and just wanted to respond with my feelings on the issue. thanks to everyone for the helpful suggestions.

    Now for the people who say christians shouldn't have tattoos here's my thinking. It's what comes out of your heart that deflies you, not what you put on or in your body. How do you treat people, are you kind, do you lie, are you clean on the outside only? These are what matters. The pharisees had an appearance of holiness, but were not clean inside.God looks at your heart. A God glorifiying tattoo is not defilement in my opinion. It is something that shows my love for God and gives me an opportunity to share that love when people ask about it. It allows you to reach out to people who might otherwise think christains are judgemental and hypocritical. Jesus already did everything there was to do on that cross, nothing I do can add to that or take away from it. I view a tattoo as a way to honor God, point others to him, open a dialouge that otherwise may never happen, and remind myself of his love. I have my ears pierced. I dye my hair. Is that defilement? Who is to say what is acceptable and what is not? If we are in Christ we are not under the law, why do we place unnecessary and futile rules and regulations on ourselves. Christ came to lighten our burdens yet we continue to put ourselves back in chains. My intent is nothing but glorifying God, and that cannot be wrong. Do all things for the glory of God:)
    ~God bless!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Nice to see there are some born again Christians here.
  • SarahR1984
    I have a tattoo along the side of my right foot (outside of the foot) that simply says:

    You are my God.

    Sort of an "every step I take, I take in You, You make me move Jesus" sort of thing.

    That's a cute idea. I like that idea of putting on the foot. Like every step I take He's with me.'ve given me something to think about! lol
  • SarahR1984
    I have a buddy who is covered wrist to wrist. It starts out with scripted commandments on both forearms into a lion and lamb on one side and a very cool Moses parting the red sea on the other and the culminating on a very large back piece with the arch angels striking Satan into hell. all kinds of rolling clouds and lightening and sunburst stuff depending on the scene associated with. it looks incredible.

    On his chest he has Jesus with the word redeemer above and at his waist below it says redeemed. very very cool overall. it took him about 2 years and god knows how much money to do but it truly is a well thought out piece of artwork.

    Every bit is done in gray-tones except the halo on Jesus and the lightning coming from Michael's spear as he smites Satan both in gold.

    That's a great conversation starter! That's what I'm talking about this guy can walk up to a biker covered in tats and he will actually listen to him and not assume he's a sterotypical judgemental christian. He could do a lot of good for Jesus because of these tattoos. thanks for sharing :)
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I got an ichthus (the "fish" symbol) when I was doing summer missions in college. Now when my children see it, they ask and I tell them that I belong to God. His symbol is on me permanently just like His Spirit is in me. When I look at my tattoo, I remember that I am not my own. I was bought with a price. I suppose for me it was a way to show that I identify myself as a Christ follower even to the point of bearing a mark on my physical body.
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    I AMA born again Christian as well. I have the words faith, hope, and love in Chinese characters written on the outside of my left foot. Just reminds me that the greatest of what God wants for us and from us :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Not to get sidetracked or start anything, but I read all the comments and just wanted to respond with my feelings on the issue. thanks to everyone for the helpful suggestions.

    Now for the people who say christians shouldn't have tattoos here's my thinking. It's what comes out of your heart that deflies you, not what you put on or in your body.

    I'm not sure what everyone else said, but I simply said that I cannot do that to His temple. From the limited knowledge that I have from the Scripture. I personally haven't have a two way conversation with Him, so this is all I can go off of. Enjoy your tattoo and whatever else you put on or in your body.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    The bible says a lot of things that people take out of context and misuse to fit their own personally beliefs. Take the bible for what it is, the word of GOD. It is actually a difficult reading in my own opinion. Getting a tattoo will not deny you heaven.

    I don't think the Bible should be hard to read, if it was none of us would be going to Heaven. The Bible reads itself but you have to take it in as a whole not fit it to your lifestyle you want to live for the day.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~ Philippians 4:13

    Thats a great scripture!
  • shinybonnie
    My husband has a small, simple image of a dove (symbol of the holy spirit) on his left shoulder, and a big, beautiful warrior-like angel (Michael) holding a flaming sword on his right shoulder.

    It sounds like you are wanting an image that reminds you of his love for you. Maybe a crown of thorns circling a heart? Or, if you don't mind the tat being really visible, tattoo the jagged holes in your forearm/wrist area with those giant nails that held him to the cross.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I have an Ichthus, or "Jesus Fish" on the back of my neck. It was a symbol of hope and refuge to persecuted believers in the early church.