Shin Splints Suck!

MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I am over weight and have what I think are shin splints. I got them in boot camp and they have never went away (10 years ago). It is a stinging/burning pain on the sides of my shins but only flair up when I run.

Problem really that I really want to be able to run! I love running, I just cant get past the pain. Any ideas on how to get past it or fix it? I think that when I lose a little weight it will get better because I am not putting so much pressure on them? I dont know? Please help! I really want to be able to run again!!


  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    I have problems with my shins as well. I am sure that as the weight comes off, it will help. The right shoes and stride are also key factors. I find my legs don't hurt as bad when I really lengthen my stride. Also, don't do too much as once. Start with say one minute of running, one minute of walking for 30 minutes. It will condition your legs and get used to the impact. Ice after you do anything that hurts them (I did Zumba the other night and wow, that was one of the worst things! or something i do plyo workouts that impact my legs). There is also some great topical gels that can help ease the pain, like bio0-freeze or max freeze. stretch your legs out well, including your shin area before your runs. Alieve and good ol' being tough helps :-)

    Everyone says they go away with rest, but sometimes mine come right back. Good luck!
  • LyonInLondon
    LyonInLondon Posts: 41 Member
    Yes they do! I got rid of mine by having a deep tissue massage for the joints and muscles. Then getting back into running slowly. A lot of shin splints are caused by tight muscles... the ones opposing the shins! So stretch those calves and ITBs (inter-tertiary band) ... very important for runners. You should only stretch once you are warmed up.

    Also, make sure you strengthen the inner thigh muscles and those around the knees to protect them ... I've had to learn the hard way. Currently down to only being allowed to swim and cycle!
  • I've found that if I don't stretch my legs, calves, and shins prior to walking/running I get them. Also, when my shoe get older. So, I suggest a good pair of shoes for you and too stretch before your workout! On those days that you get the shin pain, maybe do a different type of cario workout (bike or eliptical).
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    Good shoes are super important. A lot of folks find the right shoes completely get rid of shin splints. You also might look into the book ChiRunning. It has some interesting stuff about form and shin splints. I have a boatload of weight to lose, but I find that with the right shoes, the right form, and lots of stretching I can control my shin splints.
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    Thank you guys so much, but .........this might sound like a dumb question, but how do you stretch your shins???
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    I got shin splints back in 7th grade when I started playing basketball. They have always been a problem for me since. I have noticed that if I run on a treadmill, they don't flare up. But concrete running sucks! A few things I do.... stretch before running, especially your legs, so the acid isn't all built up in your shins (that's what shin splints are). Also, you can get a prescription from your doctor if you want, or take an anti-inflammatory.

    As for stretching your shins, sit on the floor and flex your foot back and forth, holding it flexed out for a few seconds, then in for a few, then rotate your foot around and do it again.

    I hope they get better for you. I feel your pain :(
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Thank you guys so much, but .........this might sound like a dumb question, but how do you stretch your shins???

    I have laid on my back, foot up and wrap a towel over my toes and pull down and in. Also, the ol' write the alphabet with your foot to warm things up.
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