Please reassure me

I know this gets asked all the time. I have just read several different confusing posts on the topic, and also all the read me newbie posts on it, but I still feel uneasy about the calories MFP is telling me to eat. When I started here, I first chose to lose 1 lb per week, because that is what I truly want to lose. It tells me I can have 1610 calories per day. That seemed high. So I increased my goal to 2 lb per week thinking it would make more sense calorie wise for me and also account for any errors that I might have, which then it gave me the ever popular 1200 calorie goal. I am doing the 30 day shred, and estimate about 275 calories burned every day so I try to eat closer to 14-1500 calories. Now I am questioning that calorie goal again. I keep reading about how you are eating too little, make sure your goals are entered correctly, eat your exercise calories. So, would you all recommend I eat my 1600 calories plus the 200 or so exercise calories, or stick to the 1400-1500 total. Im just so confused. 1800 calories seems like an awful lot. I am 5'9, 166 currently (started at 173), and 28 years old. I am a nurse, work 2 12 hr shifts a week where I run my butt off, and the other days I am at home with my 2/4 yo running my butt off. So for my BMR I did check lightly active. I guess I just need reassurance that I am doing this right. Thanks for reading this, and I hope this isnt too redundant of a post.


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think you're doing great so far, and you should experiment with the higher and lower ends of the calorie range to see where you feel satisfied and energetic and are still consistently losing. If you stall out, add a few hundred calories and wait a week or two to see how that affects it.

    Good luck and stick to it!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    i think u just need to do what feels right for u hon, thats the beauty of this site, it can be moulded to each individuals preferences and results will be seen

    best wishes
    Kirstie x
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    I think you are fine with 1400-1600 a day.
  • nbfield
    I have two suggestions...

    Take your goal weight and multiply by 10 that will give you a good calorie range. IE if you want to end up at 150 lbs your calorie intake should be 1500.

    Figure out your BMR. To lose 1 lb a week subtract 500 calories, for 2 lbs weekly loss subtract 1000.

    1200 was too low for me, I bumped up to 1500 this week and have lost 2.8lbs for the week. Before I was not losing more than a lb a week.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Your numbers look good (i'm about the same size and I eat 1300-1500 depending on exercise daily). As for the starting number, do an experiment...2 weeks at each and write down how you FEEL each day then evaluate over all...this is how i came up with my "number"
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Eat when you're hungry. Listen to your body, it'll tell you what you need.
  • deandp371
    I've been eating somewhat less than recommended. According to my diary that is, though I figure I probably underestimate some as most people do apparently! With that, I've been losing a pound a week for the past month, so it seems to be working!

    How long have you been at this, and how's progress so far?
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I've been really stressed about the whole Cal thing since joining MFP. There's so many opinions and no one right answer. Everyone is different. I decided I will eat when I am hungry and not stress anymore! As long as I am near my goal I'm fine. I like eating 1200 calories but if I work out I eat 1500. I feel like if i have the more calories, I will end up eating Junk to meet those calorie goals.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    If you want to lose 2 lbs a week I'd do the 1200 and eat your workout calories - 1400-1500 is a good range :) Your net should always be at least 1200! I have my goal set to lose 1 lb a week, eat all my workout and nursing calories, and keep losing 2 lbs a week so it's all about experimenting.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    You don't HAVE to eat all the calories given to you. But you do have to eat at least 1000 - 1200 for adequate body and brain function for the day. I agree with your body telling you whether you need more of a calorie intake or if you're fine for the day. My calorie intake changes from day to day. Do what feels right.