Anyone training for a half?



  • BorderMommy
    So excited to see so many others here!

    I did a 5k last year, and this will be my first half. I am doing one in Alameda California on June 5th. I'm excited but really nervous. I'll be doing it with friends which should be fun.

    I can't wait to hear about everyone else's adventures!

  • lala362
    I am doing my first half on April 30th... :) Doing my own trianing plan since I am already up to 7 miles for my long runs... :)

    Good Luck Everyone!!!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    I'll be running my second in June (San Diego Rock and Roll), though I technically don't start training until March. I use a schedule that one of our local running groups created. I used it for my first half in October of last year and it works very well for me.

    I'll send you a friend request.

    Where do you live?? I am doing SD RnR in June also!! It will be my third half. I just ran Carlsbad on 1/23 and am now training for La Jolla in April. I live in San Diego, so just wondering if you are close by.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    I am training for the San Diego Rock N Roll Half Marathon (June 5) using Hal's training program. I start first of March.

    Hey!! Another San Diego girl!! I am planning to do SD RnR in June also!! I just did Carlsbad on 1/23 and am registered for La Jolla on 4/17. Carlsbad was my first half. I live in La Mesa...let me know if you ever want a running buddy.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    I just did my first half on Jan. 23, and am totally hooked!! I can't even explain the high you feel at the end from the you can rule the world!! I am now training for my second half on 4/17, with plans for more in June, August, and December this year. I am running a 10K tomorrow, as a "training" run...never thought I would say that. I could barely run for 30 seconds a year ago, so if I can do it, anyone can. I started with Couch to 5K last February and have just continued to build up from there. I ran my first 10K last October, and now that is a "training run". Prepare to amaze yourself!! You can do whatever you set your mind to!! I am now using the Runner's World Smart Coach app on my iPod Touch, but just having a plan and sticking with it is the key. Good luck!! You will do great!!
  • flipnsexy
    I am training for a full marathon for June in San Diego (depending on how my training goes, I may switch it to a half but I will decide that in a couple months time) This will be my 1st marathon anything EVER!! I'm not a runner AT ALL but started training this week and so far am loving it. It really does make a difference running for something rather then just running for the sake of running lol. Maybe thats why I was so horrible at it before. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. I'd love to share and support our progress and accomplishments.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I'll be running my second in June (San Diego Rock and Roll), though I technically don't start training until March. I use a schedule that one of our local running groups created. I used it for my first half in October of last year and it works very well for me.

    I'll send you a friend request.

    Where do you live?? I am doing SD RnR in June also!! It will be my third half. I just ran Carlsbad on 1/23 and am now training for La Jolla in April. I live in San Diego, so just wondering if you are close by.
    I'm in Long Beach. Will be driving down on Friday.
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm doing a half in May, it's the only one I do each year! Have a 10 k race this Sunday :-), running is just great to do!