Dieting while on vacation

S0LYMAR Posts: 14
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I started this journey almost 3 weeks ago and have been amazed with how "easy" it has been to lose 7 pounds. I mean easy because calories are counted for me and I just have to be mindful of what I eat. I haven't been stressed about counting my calories as I was in the past with the point system and well so far so good.

My challenge is that I am going on vacation to another country next week for 11 days. During that time I am going to be on a tour going from city to city so its not like I can buy things to cook or refrigerate. How have others managed vacations like this while still attempting to follow your diet?


  • I will be going to Vegas next I am worried a little...going to be hard to keep track with no computer there...don't have web acess on my work phone....will do the best I can and expect to eat or drink a bit more at this time...but will be doing a lot of walking, so that is good...
  • Try to fill your plate with mostly produce whenever you eat. Large salad or fruit along with your meal. Also, try to eat only half of whatever you get. Those are usually the only realistic things that work for me in those situations.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    When on vacation, its hard to get the right stuff...but that doesn't make it impossible to remain eating healthy. Sometimes, the process can even be fun. I try and approximate the ingredients as best I can, and stick to less complex dishes (this really helps when trying to determine the nutritional information). Sure, the count wont be completely accurate, but do as best you can.

    I've found that trips usually help me, by causing me to vary my diet and eat a little more than I was. Once I return home and get back to my regular foods, whatever weight I didn't lose during the trip comes off easily. Case in point...I was in training across the country all last week, and secluded in the mountains this weekend. I got home and hadn't lost a single pound during that whole time. Then I dropped two pounds within two days once I got back to my food.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Over the last 3 years you certainly learned what you should and shouldn't eat. Do the best you can, overestimate the calories you eat and enjoy yourself. Even if you put a pound or two on you have the tools to recover quickly from that.

    You can do it!
  • Thank you all. I really appreciate your ideas.

    Kristi have fun in Vegas that is a totally great place to visit!

    Ads it has been less than 3 weeks for me not 3 years but thank you for input. You offered some great ideas.
  • Thanks Janet...:) All any of us can do is take one day at a time, on meal at a time and try to make the best choices we can at that particular time. We all deserve to have fun, enjoy food and not make "dieting" such a bad is a way of life. I will never drink the diet shakes or eat any of the meal replacement bars...that isn't teaching you how to eat. You still need to learn to eat and stay within a comfortable calories range. There are so many good foods out there that can fill you up with nutrients and satisfy you. Good luck!!!!
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