someone please help....



  • KristaPFT
    Hey Kelly,

    Without going into too much science because that is no fun to hear...this is what is probably happening to your body. We all have a hunger hormone that is spiked at different times for different reasons. Keep in mind that when this feeling occurs it does not mean that we are needing food every time. A good rule of thumb is to listen to your stomach not your head. Eating every 2-3-4 hours depending on how big the meals is the best thing to keep fat burning. This is also done to keep sugar levels stable and keep you from feeling hungry. Make sure you are also eating a balance of (good)fat (good)carbs and protein because the body breaks down these nutrients at different speeds so...
    -Drink lots of water
    -eat every few hours (balanced meals)
    -eat good fat for stable hormone levels
    -eat good carbs for stable sugar levels
    -eat protein to rebuild lean muscle tissue

    I hope this me everyone struggles with hunger pains its HUMAN NATURE but with a little practice it will become 2nd nature to overcome this :)
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    kelly, foods that have protein in them will keep your brain from thinking that it is constantly hungry. For example, if you eat a handful of almonds, you won't feel hungry as quickly. Also, eating McDonalds or fast food will make you feel HUNGRIER. your body won't realize that it has eaten because of all the sugar and fat, so you will be hungry very shortly after.

    goodluck, but i can also say that it will get better in time and as your body gets used to it.
