I am trying to figure out myfitnesspal

I love the food log option, but how do I set the settings to the amount of fat/carbs/protein I should have for my programs? And can you see pictures I upload (other than the main photo)? I think I accidentally switched my main photo to me and Tony Horton. LOL


  • sammyjj53
    sammyjj53 Posts: 54 Member
    MFP already caculates the fat/carbs/protein when you set up your profile.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    If you want to customize your own go to My home, Goals, Change goals, Custom. That will let you set your own percentages...

    and yes we can,. there is a link below your picture, that lists the other pictures you have.
  • CoachKarlaHelps
    CoachKarlaHelps Posts: 19 Member
    THANKS!!! That is PERFECT! Since I am on another round of the X, it is set wrong to use this site. Does anyone else have issues with the site's script freezing their computer?
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    So kinda an Ironic thing, My computer has never, not once, froze up on me, but when I went to message back on this about it never freezing up on me, IT FROZE! lol

    so I guess that answers your question, it may be because its such a detailed wesite.