Glad to Be Here

Hi everyone!!

I'm Joanna. It appears I've been a member of My Fitness Pal for a while...only I've just started actually using it. I signed up with the app last year, back when I weighed 250lbs. I now weigh 219lbs - and it's going slowly but surely.

I'm 29, mother to 3 kids, and have been engaged to my best friend for 5 years (we're taking it slow..LOL). I graduate from the University of Arkansas on May, 14th 2011 with my Bachelor's in Elementary Education. Right now, I'm a full time student and student teacher, full time mommy, and full time loser. ;)

I'm a daily weight loss blogger over at

I'm a somewhat active member of Twitter and use the name @madfatwoman

Looking forward to getting to know you all!!!


  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    welcome you'll find lots of motivation and support here. :smile:
  • housechick
    housechick Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Joanna - I'll have to check out your blog! I just started today "on-line" and I am so blown away with all of the support. Would love to see you on Twitter @lefinley but just a warning. It's business and personal. Welcome and much success!