Greetings, all.

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I've been using the iPhone app fairly regularly for the past several weeks, but I'm just now exploring the website.

Anyway, I'm 38-years old. Married with two small children. We live in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio.

I have type 2 diabetes, and I've had it for 10 years. I know, right?! Way to early to get it. I never really struggled with weight, but I did eat a lot of junk growing up. And now it's caught up with me.

I made a resolution that "this would be the year" I finally get my act together weight-wise, exercise-wise, diet-wise and blood sugar-wise.

I've been going to the gym every day (well, almost every day), walking and doing a little bit of strength training (just a little bit). It's hard for me, because I have a motivation problem, compounded with a pretty sedentary life behind my computer in my home office, just 10 steps from the refrigerator in the kitchen.

My wife is on board though and she's trying to eat a little better, work out and she's logging her activity in the app too.

That's about it for an introduction. Not sure why I wanted to write this, but it does make me feel a little better knowing there's other people out there like me (I mean, intuitively I know that's true...but sometimes you just don't think about it that way).

= )
