Day 17 of 30 Day Challenge

Sorry I missed a couple days guys...How is everybody doing?? What are the plans for the weekend, we are over half way there!!!

I am doing well, tomorrow is my normal weigh in day, I know I am down 5 pounds maybe more since we started this challenge. Tonight I am hosting Bunco at my house and I am making Chili and Angelfood cake and strawberries for dessert, so I am still trying to be health conscience even on a part Friday night!!! Tomorrow I am doing a 5K at my local YMCA...then I have a Turbo Kick class at 9:30 and then Zumba at 11:30..(yes I am CRAZY, but I LOVE it!!!)

Have a great weekend, my goal is to keep posting everyday till the end of the challenge!!! good luck all!!


  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    I am doing good. I plan on spending time with my nephew and then my brother before he leaves for Afghanistan.

    that is about it.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Thanks for starting the thread again! I thought maybe I missed it somewhere. And good luck at the 5K!! :)

    I'm having a better week than last week.. Last week wasn't too terrible, but this week has been pretty good. I've already gotten in more than 4,000 calories worth of exercise, not counting my 3 days of strength training. I've got a few things this weekend that could potentially be dangerous (an early Valentine's dinner tomorrow & a baby shower on Sunday), but I'm promising myself that I'll be careful and not go hog wild.

    Happy Friday!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Oh! I am thinking about signing up for a 5K. it`s gonna give me some goal and motivation. I don`t know if i can do it. I want to start training, but i want to wait for all the snow to melt away firt. i am not a big fan of running in the slush. yuk!

    how long have you been training for your 5k?
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    You can do it, soccermum! Try the couch to 5K or a similar program. It eases you into it. When I started running years ago I had never been a runner and I could barely run 30 seconds. Now I've run more 5Ks than I can count, I run an 8K every year and I even did a 10 mile run a few years back. This year I plan on running my first half marathon. If I can do it, you can!

    I actually didn't do the C25K program, but I bought a book called "The Beginning Runner's Handbook." It's a great tool for new runners. You can probably get a used copy cheap on Amazon.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks marcia36. I will look into it.