Day before a 5k? to workout or not to workout?

Tomorrow morning I'm RUNNING my 2nd 5k. I'm surely more prepared this time around then what I was last year but I just want thoughts on today--should I workout at all today or just rest?
(I normally workout 5-6x a week, today is my normal run day, along w/tomorrow. I didn't work out yesterday at all.)

Thanks in advance. :smile:


  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I worked out the day before my 5K. However, I did not push myself to the point that I may be sore. I ran the morning before and did a DVD the evening before (but no weights).

    Good luck to you! You will do great!
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    I say just go for an easy 2 mile run, or light calisthenics.
  • Cmydob
    Cmydob Posts: 7 Member
    a good walk always helps
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Are you running to compete or just to finish? If just to finish I'd say go ahead and do a light workout, even if just some walking and stretching. If you are trying to win... I'd say rest up! :)

    If you had exercised yesterday I would have said to definitely rest today but since you rested yesterday I think some exercise is ok.