Work out inspiration????

jljenkins Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
I live in Asheville NC and have had a slew of friends that want to go to the gym with me, but after a time or two they quit. When they quit I quit going as much and I know I really need to go but I do better with people who have the same goals in mind to push me. If there is anyone who would be interested in maybe going to the gym a few nights a week just send me a messege.


  • I'm not in NC, but if you find a cross fit gym I bet you will make friends with the people there and then you'll go to the gym to see them as much as for the workout... And the workouts are addictive... Love my gym!
  • Listen i know it sucks when that happens, My friends do that to me too. This time around however i printed a pic of myself that i want to look like again and I have it next to my stuff so it motivates me for me. I find i go a lot more often and am willing to do more at the house when i can't go. I hope this helps you.
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